Does anyone seriously believe that the so called spontaneous uprising of the people in the Middle East countries, is the result of a desperate sudden desire for "democracy" and "freedom"?
I don't think so.
If that were the case how come the "people" of these Islamic tribal countries have lived quite happily and peacefully for the last 50 years without any complaint?
Notice the deliberately inflammatory and provocative language used by the politicians and international media - "Killing his OWN people" (Egypt & Tunisia) "Brutalising his OWN people" (Yemen)" "Slaughtering his OWN people"(Libya & Syria.)
Remind you of anything?
Wasn't that how the New World Order (the Illuminati, The Council on Foreign Relations, AIPAC, The European Union, NATO, The BBC, and the monopoly-owned world press and media) stooges,Bush and Blair, justified their invasion and permanent de-stabilisation of Iraq and Afghanistan? And didn't their mission creep start with No Fly Zones? Isn't it precisely that what's happening all over again.
These countries, falling like dominoes one after another is no accident. The New World Order modus operandi for political unrest leading to bloodshed is well known by the more enlightened.
It is in 3 stages and goes like this:-
Create a problem. (Chaos, Revolution anarchy,Bloodshed)
Suggest a solution to the problem.
(ostensibly by politically peaceful means)
Solve the problem by War and regime change - which is the orginal intention. (usually to advance it's aims and/or those of Zionist Israel.
The agents who create the problem are the vastly powerful American and Israeli secret agencies, the CIA and MOSSAD.
It is well known that MOSSAD is the world's most sophisticated and ruthless secret service. They have their own numerous,and indigenous, operatives, not only in all of these Middle East and North African countries but in EVERY country in the world.
They can assassinate any perceived enemy even within his own country - witness the recent murders of Iranian Nuclear scientists and the hotel assassination of the Hamas leader last year.
MOSSAD and the CIA are also experts at fomenting trouble to cause disatisfaction and unrest. The BBC and SKY and ITV news have all been reporting Government snipers shooting their own people in Libya and Syria. Yet they have not once provided any evidence or proof of this.
Who do you think the snipers - unrecognisable by definition and media reports - really are?
We must ask, when the "Useful Idiots" like Cameron have done the NWO's dirty work for them, who do they think will take over? Democratic stable polticians? Or fragmented religious tribes like the Islamic deadly enemies, the Sunnis and Shias?
And in whose national interest will this wholesale bloodshed, destruction and anarchy throughout the Arab world be?
The "freedom-loving people, who allegely crave democracy?
I doubt it.
No chance!
If we think about it, Zionist Israel is probably secretly rubbing it's hands with glee at the violence and de-stabilisation of these previously stable states. Among other advantages, it is an excellent cover whilst it continues to ignore and defy numerous UN resolutions - the latest being a month ago - telling them to stop building settlements on occupied Palestinian land.
(No suprise there I guess, since America vetoed the Resolution and that it is well known in the UN that Israel "owns" the American veto!).
But their main objective now is to cause revolutionary murder and mayhem in Syria which they calculate will spread next door to their biggest enemy, Iran - their REAL Objective.
This would give them the excuse for which they have been desperately looking. i.e. for Israel - or preferably the West as it did on its behalf by proxy in Iraq - to finally attack Iran.
And when Iran is destroyed they will thank the West (and The New World Order) for once again doing their dirty work,as it did against their now ruined and impoverished enemy - Iraq.
Two final points:
Why are Cameron and Obama SUPPORTING Islamic "rebels" (i.e. insurgents) who are trying to bring down the Libyan Government, whilst our brave soldiers are dying daily whilst being ordered TO KILL insurgents who are trying to bring down the Afghan Government?
Contrary to what the biased international media is telling us, the so-called freedom loving "rebels" in Libya, Yemen and Syria are actually in a minority.(and by the way, where did these"civilians" get all of their arms from?). The majority of those peoples support their governments.
And even if the insurgents were genuin "freedom-loving civilians" merely seeking democracy. - looking at the state of Britain today, what's so bloody great about "Democracy"?!
I have to apologise for the unusual lack of humour this week. But I think the situation is far too serious. But Fantasy Island will be back shortly, when I shall be discussing THE DIS-UNITED KINGDOM.
The musings, sometimes ramblings, of a man of the world who is often awestruck at the genius, talent, creativity and indomitability of the Human Spirit and at other times totally disgusted with it!
Friday, 25 March 2011
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
During the past few weeks I'm not sure whether I've been watching a Shakespearian tragedy or a Brian Rix Whithall farce.
Fourth Division Fantasy Island's response to the Libyan situation, was to charter a plane which could't take off from Gatwick because of "mechanical failure"!
Meanwhile, Russia, France, Italy etc, swiftly evacuated all of their nationals, as Foriegn Secretary, the gormless William Hague, was stupidly and wrongly telling TV viewers that Gadafi was on his way to Venezuela.
By the way, I've been thinking it's about time the United Nations moved their H.Q. from New York to London.
Why? you ask.
Well have you noticed that whatever trouble spot flares up in the world, there are immediately that country's nationals demonstrating on the Island's streets, like the crowds of Libyans screaming their heads off in Manchester last week.
I would never have guessed there were 2,000 of them in Manchester. But then why should I be so surprised when we already have, Albanian, Russian, Polish, Somali, Ugandan, Zimbabwe, Bangladeshi, Chinese, Iranian, Iraqi, Kurd, Burmese, Afghanistani, Turkish, Ukranian, Estonian, Romanian "communities" here on the Island - all quick to demonstrate whenever an incident occurrs in their home country, but unwilling to go back home and do something about it!
And how farcical to watch Cameron and all those luvvy liberals demanding "democracy" and "human rights" , for the people in these feudal Middle east countries, whilst on their own "democratic" Island, they operate millions of CCTV cameras to watch every move of their own citizens; forcibly take DNA samples from men, women and children who have committed no crime; throw people in jail for having no TV licence; tell supermarkets how much to charge for their alcohol, criminalise people for objecting to homosexuality; ban smoking (except for themselves in parliament and convicted prisoners); sack nurses and policemen rather than useless pen-pushers; zealously and treacherously implement fascist European Union directives to subjugate and constantly break their promises to their own people- such as a Referndum on the perniciously anti-democratic Lisbon Treaty.
And do they really believe in Democracy, when, in God-forsaken Gaza, Hamas, follow their orders, hold elections and win, only to be then labelled as "terrorists".
This hypocrisy is only equalled by theirs and the "liberal" BBC's naivete as they cheer the "People's revolutions" in these Arab countries.
And - just as the champagne socialist Fabians and liberals of the 1930s turned a blind eye to Stalin's gulags and mass exterminations - they dismiss the warnings of people like the Yemeni President, who tell us these are not "peoples revolutions", but the work of Israel and The USA, designed to fragment and destabilise these Arab societies.
If you don't believe these people (who should know), just take a look at the new "democratic" state of Iraq (formely Israel's biggest foe) where there have been no elections for a year and where innocent people are still being blown up and suicide bombings an everyday occurrence.!
It would be nothing more than these "liberal"hypocrites deserve than ironically to see in six months time, Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Yemen, Iran etc, all transformed into radical Islamic states. Or is that really what they want anyway?
It would certainly be a good cover for nuclear-armed Israel and "The West" to attack Iran - which is their real objective and what they have wanted all along.
Finally, I now come to the ultimate comedy: The Island's Premier - who is frantically trying to make a name for himself on the world stage - threatens Libya with military action and no fly-zones over that country.
On the same day he issues these threats, he announces the Army is being cut by 5,000, the RAF by 2,000, (in addition to the 200 trainee pilots he's already sacked). And of course, he has already scrapped the aircraft carriers and frigates and the RAF's Nimrod reconnaisance planes and Harrier jets.
So what I'd like to know is how do you intervene militarily and operate a no-fly zone against a country, when you don't have any ships, aeroplanes or soldiers?
Talk about The Mouse that Roared!
If it wasnt so tragic it would indeed be laughable!
But don't be so surprised. You should know by now, ANYTHING can happen on Fantasy Island!!
Fourth Division Fantasy Island's response to the Libyan situation, was to charter a plane which could't take off from Gatwick because of "mechanical failure"!
Meanwhile, Russia, France, Italy etc, swiftly evacuated all of their nationals, as Foriegn Secretary, the gormless William Hague, was stupidly and wrongly telling TV viewers that Gadafi was on his way to Venezuela.
By the way, I've been thinking it's about time the United Nations moved their H.Q. from New York to London.
Why? you ask.
Well have you noticed that whatever trouble spot flares up in the world, there are immediately that country's nationals demonstrating on the Island's streets, like the crowds of Libyans screaming their heads off in Manchester last week.
I would never have guessed there were 2,000 of them in Manchester. But then why should I be so surprised when we already have, Albanian, Russian, Polish, Somali, Ugandan, Zimbabwe, Bangladeshi, Chinese, Iranian, Iraqi, Kurd, Burmese, Afghanistani, Turkish, Ukranian, Estonian, Romanian "communities" here on the Island - all quick to demonstrate whenever an incident occurrs in their home country, but unwilling to go back home and do something about it!
And how farcical to watch Cameron and all those luvvy liberals demanding "democracy" and "human rights" , for the people in these feudal Middle east countries, whilst on their own "democratic" Island, they operate millions of CCTV cameras to watch every move of their own citizens; forcibly take DNA samples from men, women and children who have committed no crime; throw people in jail for having no TV licence; tell supermarkets how much to charge for their alcohol, criminalise people for objecting to homosexuality; ban smoking (except for themselves in parliament and convicted prisoners); sack nurses and policemen rather than useless pen-pushers; zealously and treacherously implement fascist European Union directives to subjugate and constantly break their promises to their own people- such as a Referndum on the perniciously anti-democratic Lisbon Treaty.
And do they really believe in Democracy, when, in God-forsaken Gaza, Hamas, follow their orders, hold elections and win, only to be then labelled as "terrorists".
This hypocrisy is only equalled by theirs and the "liberal" BBC's naivete as they cheer the "People's revolutions" in these Arab countries.
And - just as the champagne socialist Fabians and liberals of the 1930s turned a blind eye to Stalin's gulags and mass exterminations - they dismiss the warnings of people like the Yemeni President, who tell us these are not "peoples revolutions", but the work of Israel and The USA, designed to fragment and destabilise these Arab societies.
If you don't believe these people (who should know), just take a look at the new "democratic" state of Iraq (formely Israel's biggest foe) where there have been no elections for a year and where innocent people are still being blown up and suicide bombings an everyday occurrence.!
It would be nothing more than these "liberal"hypocrites deserve than ironically to see in six months time, Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Yemen, Iran etc, all transformed into radical Islamic states. Or is that really what they want anyway?
It would certainly be a good cover for nuclear-armed Israel and "The West" to attack Iran - which is their real objective and what they have wanted all along.
Finally, I now come to the ultimate comedy: The Island's Premier - who is frantically trying to make a name for himself on the world stage - threatens Libya with military action and no fly-zones over that country.
On the same day he issues these threats, he announces the Army is being cut by 5,000, the RAF by 2,000, (in addition to the 200 trainee pilots he's already sacked). And of course, he has already scrapped the aircraft carriers and frigates and the RAF's Nimrod reconnaisance planes and Harrier jets.
So what I'd like to know is how do you intervene militarily and operate a no-fly zone against a country, when you don't have any ships, aeroplanes or soldiers?
Talk about The Mouse that Roared!
If it wasnt so tragic it would indeed be laughable!
But don't be so surprised. You should know by now, ANYTHING can happen on Fantasy Island!!
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