Tuesday, 5 July 2011


There's a little fat lawyer in Scotland who calls himself a nationalist.
His party, the SNP, did very well at the recent Scottish elections. And well they might, since he has bribed the Scots with free higher education, free prescriptions and free care for the elderly...all with our money!
This "Nationalist", wants to sever all ties with the UK. Bloated with his own pomposity, He now wants full Independence for Scotland. That would normally mean having your own taxation, currency, army, navy and political  and state  institutions. But this snake-oil salesman, doesn't believe in any of that. So he is not a nationalist in any sense of the word. He is a fraud.
If this tartan cowboy gets his Scottish "independence" he will have Scotland  adopt the discredited Euro currency and join the corrupt European Union - where true nationalism and the "Nation State" is anathema to its un-elected Global bureacrats and international bankers. 
This glib upstart constantly rails against the English, "South of The Border", when in fact there is no border. His anti- Britishness is palpably insidious as he plays to, and perverts, the Scottish sense of patriotism - even when Scottish soldiers in the British army are being killed daily in Afghanistan alongside their English, Welsh and Irish comrades - as they have done for the past 300 years.

When will the Jocks wake up to this charlatan who calls himself a Scottish nationalist, and boot him and his moronic "liberal" stooges out of power?!