It might take about 60 years say, and it would have to be done insideously by stealth, but this is How I Would Ruin This Country and turn it into a Third World backwater and a fantasy island at the same time.
I. I would initiate a class war by setting the trade unions against the Government. This wouldn't be a real class war, but it would eventually succeed in destroying our great industries like mining and ship-building, and gradually wreck our manufacturing base - which is the fount of all of a country's wealth.
2. Next, because this Country had an Empire which brought education, civilisation and economic advances to it's colonies, I would slowly but surely get rid of it. This could be done under the guise of giving them democracy and independence - even though I know they really would end up as one-party-states. And to make it look really good, I'd get various members of the Royal Family to carry out the "handover" ceremonies. I would particularly gloat over the lowering of the Union Jack. It wouldn't matter if terrorist organisations in some of these colonies forced us out before we were ready by blowing us up or shooting our soldiers and their wives in the back in the process, as they may do in places like Aden or Cyprus. I would still welcome and invite those terrorists to come and settle here. That would serve a dual purpose, it would be the start of my multi-racial and multi-cultural agenda, which would rid us once and for all of the so-called indigenous British race. But it would also have a really great destructive effect on Housing, hospitals and jobs. That surely would help to hasten the disintegration!
3. Following up on this great project of ruination with the encouragement of mass immigration from all over the world, I would then gradually bring in tighter and tighter laws to stop our countrymen from complaining. And if they did so they would initially be branded as "Racialists" and jailed under the Race Relations Laws I would bring in. But then when some smart arses would inevitably point out that that was a non-derogatory, neutral, respectable word (i.e. a student of the differenation between human races) I would invent another truly derogatory word. - Racist Don't you think that's really clever of me? Later I would modify and extend it to include "Ageist", "Sexist" etc. to shut up any opponents of another part of my Grand Ruination Plan.
4. Next, with the witting and unwitting help of the useful idiots in parliament (and more importantly my devious Marxist Whitehall friends in the Civil Service) I would gradually change most of the laws. Abolish Capital Punishment. Legalise Cannabis. Get rid of all censorship, Abolish Grammar Schools, Legalise Homosexuality (and possibly give it a more "consumer friendly" shorthand name, such as "Gay") . Legalise Prostitution and replace the derogatory word "Prostitute" with the more genteel, "Sex Worker".
5. Now here's my master-stroke that would guarantee once and for all not only the ruination but the virtual exinction of Great Britain as we know it. I'd join an Economic Union with the rest of Europe. (I'd call it a Common Market at first). The advantages I'd explain, would be magnificent - nearly a billion customers for our goods, unhindered travel across Europe, the abolition of passports etc. - Well, I wouldn't tell the people too much at this stage. In fact a few years after joining, I'd give them a vote on whether to stay in this Common Market. But with the help of my corrupt Marxist civil servants and my fascist international banker friends, the vote would of course be rigged to say YES. Then stealthily over the years, I'd give away to the Common Market so many powers, that by today they would be practically ruling us from Brussels. Oh, and by the way, it would now be called the Europoean Union, with its own flag and its own consititution and its own currency - something like say, a Euro.
This E.U. along with our own bureacrats would then have the power to tell us what to say how to behave and even what to think. And quite right too! And then, God help any old British reactionaries who dared to call a spade a spade. That would put paid to any of the Phobics - like Homophobics - who may have the nerve to protest!
Now comes my final nail in the coffin of G.B. Ltd..
Since my Marxist friends have always said you could never take this country with a revolutionn, I would confuse the electorate so thoroughly, and give them so little choice between the 3 parties, that t a "liberal" Coalition government would result.
And this Government would then - although waging justifiable everlasting war in one place or another in accordance with its "liberal interventionist" belief and for the benefit of our friends the arms manufacturers - proceed to dismantle our own defence forces (wouldn't it be great to see,for instance, the Ark Royal being sold on E-Bay!). And quite right too! Wouldn't it be a much better idea, as I would do, to to send £billions in international aid to our former colonies in India and Africa instead?
Oh, I forgot to mention - I would encourage the flood of hard drugs into the country - especially for our young people, and also destroy the education system and any discipline in our schools. That way there would be no chance of ANYONE trying to turn back the clock and reverse my RUINATION PLAN!
The musings, sometimes ramblings, of a man of the world who is often awestruck at the genius, talent, creativity and indomitability of the Human Spirit and at other times totally disgusted with it!
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
Tuesday, 5 July 2011
There's a little fat lawyer in Scotland who calls himself a nationalist.
His party, the SNP, did very well at the recent Scottish elections. And well they might, since he has bribed the Scots with free higher education, free prescriptions and free care for the elderly...all with our money!
This "Nationalist", wants to sever all ties with the UK. Bloated with his own pomposity, He now wants full Independence for Scotland. That would normally mean having your own taxation, currency, army, navy and political and state institutions. But this snake-oil salesman, doesn't believe in any of that. So he is not a nationalist in any sense of the word. He is a fraud.
If this tartan cowboy gets his Scottish "independence" he will have Scotland adopt the discredited Euro currency and join the corrupt European Union - where true nationalism and the "Nation State" is anathema to its un-elected Global bureacrats and international bankers.
This glib upstart constantly rails against the English, "South of The Border", when in fact there is no border. His anti- Britishness is palpably insidious as he plays to, and perverts, the Scottish sense of patriotism - even when Scottish soldiers in the British army are being killed daily in Afghanistan alongside their English, Welsh and Irish comrades - as they have done for the past 300 years.
When will the Jocks wake up to this charlatan who calls himself a Scottish nationalist, and boot him and his moronic "liberal" stooges out of power?!
His party, the SNP, did very well at the recent Scottish elections. And well they might, since he has bribed the Scots with free higher education, free prescriptions and free care for the elderly...all with our money!
This "Nationalist", wants to sever all ties with the UK. Bloated with his own pomposity, He now wants full Independence for Scotland. That would normally mean having your own taxation, currency, army, navy and political and state institutions. But this snake-oil salesman, doesn't believe in any of that. So he is not a nationalist in any sense of the word. He is a fraud.
If this tartan cowboy gets his Scottish "independence" he will have Scotland adopt the discredited Euro currency and join the corrupt European Union - where true nationalism and the "Nation State" is anathema to its un-elected Global bureacrats and international bankers.
This glib upstart constantly rails against the English, "South of The Border", when in fact there is no border. His anti- Britishness is palpably insidious as he plays to, and perverts, the Scottish sense of patriotism - even when Scottish soldiers in the British army are being killed daily in Afghanistan alongside their English, Welsh and Irish comrades - as they have done for the past 300 years.
When will the Jocks wake up to this charlatan who calls himself a Scottish nationalist, and boot him and his moronic "liberal" stooges out of power?!
Friday, 1 April 2011
COMING SOON! (and Replies).
WELL, Nearly 8Quid for a prescription, whilst the Jocks, Taffs and Paddys all get them for free!
That's just the start of the DIS-UNITED KINGDOM.
I'll be returning to this subject in depth very soon. So Watch This Space.
MY REPLIES TO "ANONYMOUS'S" Questions re. Kelly are added to Comments on that subject page.
That's just the start of the DIS-UNITED KINGDOM.
I'll be returning to this subject in depth very soon. So Watch This Space.
MY REPLIES TO "ANONYMOUS'S" Questions re. Kelly are added to Comments on that subject page.
Friday, 25 March 2011
Does anyone seriously believe that the so called spontaneous uprising of the people in the Middle East countries, is the result of a desperate sudden desire for "democracy" and "freedom"?
I don't think so.
If that were the case how come the "people" of these Islamic tribal countries have lived quite happily and peacefully for the last 50 years without any complaint?
Notice the deliberately inflammatory and provocative language used by the politicians and international media - "Killing his OWN people" (Egypt & Tunisia) "Brutalising his OWN people" (Yemen)" "Slaughtering his OWN people"(Libya & Syria.)
Remind you of anything?
Wasn't that how the New World Order (the Illuminati, The Council on Foreign Relations, AIPAC, The European Union, NATO, The BBC, and the monopoly-owned world press and media) stooges,Bush and Blair, justified their invasion and permanent de-stabilisation of Iraq and Afghanistan? And didn't their mission creep start with No Fly Zones? Isn't it precisely that what's happening all over again.
These countries, falling like dominoes one after another is no accident. The New World Order modus operandi for political unrest leading to bloodshed is well known by the more enlightened.
It is in 3 stages and goes like this:-
Create a problem. (Chaos, Revolution anarchy,Bloodshed)
Suggest a solution to the problem.
(ostensibly by politically peaceful means)
Solve the problem by War and regime change - which is the orginal intention. (usually to advance it's aims and/or those of Zionist Israel.
The agents who create the problem are the vastly powerful American and Israeli secret agencies, the CIA and MOSSAD.
It is well known that MOSSAD is the world's most sophisticated and ruthless secret service. They have their own numerous,and indigenous, operatives, not only in all of these Middle East and North African countries but in EVERY country in the world.
They can assassinate any perceived enemy even within his own country - witness the recent murders of Iranian Nuclear scientists and the hotel assassination of the Hamas leader last year.
MOSSAD and the CIA are also experts at fomenting trouble to cause disatisfaction and unrest. The BBC and SKY and ITV news have all been reporting Government snipers shooting their own people in Libya and Syria. Yet they have not once provided any evidence or proof of this.
Who do you think the snipers - unrecognisable by definition and media reports - really are?
We must ask, when the "Useful Idiots" like Cameron have done the NWO's dirty work for them, who do they think will take over? Democratic stable polticians? Or fragmented religious tribes like the Islamic deadly enemies, the Sunnis and Shias?
And in whose national interest will this wholesale bloodshed, destruction and anarchy throughout the Arab world be?
The "freedom-loving people, who allegely crave democracy?
I doubt it.
No chance!
If we think about it, Zionist Israel is probably secretly rubbing it's hands with glee at the violence and de-stabilisation of these previously stable states. Among other advantages, it is an excellent cover whilst it continues to ignore and defy numerous UN resolutions - the latest being a month ago - telling them to stop building settlements on occupied Palestinian land.
(No suprise there I guess, since America vetoed the Resolution and that it is well known in the UN that Israel "owns" the American veto!).
But their main objective now is to cause revolutionary murder and mayhem in Syria which they calculate will spread next door to their biggest enemy, Iran - their REAL Objective.
This would give them the excuse for which they have been desperately looking. i.e. for Israel - or preferably the West as it did on its behalf by proxy in Iraq - to finally attack Iran.
And when Iran is destroyed they will thank the West (and The New World Order) for once again doing their dirty work,as it did against their now ruined and impoverished enemy - Iraq.
Two final points:
Why are Cameron and Obama SUPPORTING Islamic "rebels" (i.e. insurgents) who are trying to bring down the Libyan Government, whilst our brave soldiers are dying daily whilst being ordered TO KILL insurgents who are trying to bring down the Afghan Government?
Contrary to what the biased international media is telling us, the so-called freedom loving "rebels" in Libya, Yemen and Syria are actually in a minority.(and by the way, where did these"civilians" get all of their arms from?). The majority of those peoples support their governments.
And even if the insurgents were genuin "freedom-loving civilians" merely seeking democracy. - looking at the state of Britain today, what's so bloody great about "Democracy"?!
I have to apologise for the unusual lack of humour this week. But I think the situation is far too serious. But Fantasy Island will be back shortly, when I shall be discussing THE DIS-UNITED KINGDOM.
I don't think so.
If that were the case how come the "people" of these Islamic tribal countries have lived quite happily and peacefully for the last 50 years without any complaint?
Notice the deliberately inflammatory and provocative language used by the politicians and international media - "Killing his OWN people" (Egypt & Tunisia) "Brutalising his OWN people" (Yemen)" "Slaughtering his OWN people"(Libya & Syria.)
Remind you of anything?
Wasn't that how the New World Order (the Illuminati, The Council on Foreign Relations, AIPAC, The European Union, NATO, The BBC, and the monopoly-owned world press and media) stooges,Bush and Blair, justified their invasion and permanent de-stabilisation of Iraq and Afghanistan? And didn't their mission creep start with No Fly Zones? Isn't it precisely that what's happening all over again.
These countries, falling like dominoes one after another is no accident. The New World Order modus operandi for political unrest leading to bloodshed is well known by the more enlightened.
It is in 3 stages and goes like this:-
Create a problem. (Chaos, Revolution anarchy,Bloodshed)
Suggest a solution to the problem.
(ostensibly by politically peaceful means)
Solve the problem by War and regime change - which is the orginal intention. (usually to advance it's aims and/or those of Zionist Israel.
The agents who create the problem are the vastly powerful American and Israeli secret agencies, the CIA and MOSSAD.
It is well known that MOSSAD is the world's most sophisticated and ruthless secret service. They have their own numerous,and indigenous, operatives, not only in all of these Middle East and North African countries but in EVERY country in the world.
They can assassinate any perceived enemy even within his own country - witness the recent murders of Iranian Nuclear scientists and the hotel assassination of the Hamas leader last year.
MOSSAD and the CIA are also experts at fomenting trouble to cause disatisfaction and unrest. The BBC and SKY and ITV news have all been reporting Government snipers shooting their own people in Libya and Syria. Yet they have not once provided any evidence or proof of this.
Who do you think the snipers - unrecognisable by definition and media reports - really are?
We must ask, when the "Useful Idiots" like Cameron have done the NWO's dirty work for them, who do they think will take over? Democratic stable polticians? Or fragmented religious tribes like the Islamic deadly enemies, the Sunnis and Shias?
And in whose national interest will this wholesale bloodshed, destruction and anarchy throughout the Arab world be?
The "freedom-loving people, who allegely crave democracy?
I doubt it.
No chance!
If we think about it, Zionist Israel is probably secretly rubbing it's hands with glee at the violence and de-stabilisation of these previously stable states. Among other advantages, it is an excellent cover whilst it continues to ignore and defy numerous UN resolutions - the latest being a month ago - telling them to stop building settlements on occupied Palestinian land.
(No suprise there I guess, since America vetoed the Resolution and that it is well known in the UN that Israel "owns" the American veto!).
But their main objective now is to cause revolutionary murder and mayhem in Syria which they calculate will spread next door to their biggest enemy, Iran - their REAL Objective.
This would give them the excuse for which they have been desperately looking. i.e. for Israel - or preferably the West as it did on its behalf by proxy in Iraq - to finally attack Iran.
And when Iran is destroyed they will thank the West (and The New World Order) for once again doing their dirty work,as it did against their now ruined and impoverished enemy - Iraq.
Two final points:
Why are Cameron and Obama SUPPORTING Islamic "rebels" (i.e. insurgents) who are trying to bring down the Libyan Government, whilst our brave soldiers are dying daily whilst being ordered TO KILL insurgents who are trying to bring down the Afghan Government?
Contrary to what the biased international media is telling us, the so-called freedom loving "rebels" in Libya, Yemen and Syria are actually in a minority.(and by the way, where did these"civilians" get all of their arms from?). The majority of those peoples support their governments.
And even if the insurgents were genuin "freedom-loving civilians" merely seeking democracy. - looking at the state of Britain today, what's so bloody great about "Democracy"?!
I have to apologise for the unusual lack of humour this week. But I think the situation is far too serious. But Fantasy Island will be back shortly, when I shall be discussing THE DIS-UNITED KINGDOM.
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
During the past few weeks I'm not sure whether I've been watching a Shakespearian tragedy or a Brian Rix Whithall farce.
Fourth Division Fantasy Island's response to the Libyan situation, was to charter a plane which could't take off from Gatwick because of "mechanical failure"!
Meanwhile, Russia, France, Italy etc, swiftly evacuated all of their nationals, as Foriegn Secretary, the gormless William Hague, was stupidly and wrongly telling TV viewers that Gadafi was on his way to Venezuela.
By the way, I've been thinking it's about time the United Nations moved their H.Q. from New York to London.
Why? you ask.
Well have you noticed that whatever trouble spot flares up in the world, there are immediately that country's nationals demonstrating on the Island's streets, like the crowds of Libyans screaming their heads off in Manchester last week.
I would never have guessed there were 2,000 of them in Manchester. But then why should I be so surprised when we already have, Albanian, Russian, Polish, Somali, Ugandan, Zimbabwe, Bangladeshi, Chinese, Iranian, Iraqi, Kurd, Burmese, Afghanistani, Turkish, Ukranian, Estonian, Romanian "communities" here on the Island - all quick to demonstrate whenever an incident occurrs in their home country, but unwilling to go back home and do something about it!
And how farcical to watch Cameron and all those luvvy liberals demanding "democracy" and "human rights" , for the people in these feudal Middle east countries, whilst on their own "democratic" Island, they operate millions of CCTV cameras to watch every move of their own citizens; forcibly take DNA samples from men, women and children who have committed no crime; throw people in jail for having no TV licence; tell supermarkets how much to charge for their alcohol, criminalise people for objecting to homosexuality; ban smoking (except for themselves in parliament and convicted prisoners); sack nurses and policemen rather than useless pen-pushers; zealously and treacherously implement fascist European Union directives to subjugate and constantly break their promises to their own people- such as a Referndum on the perniciously anti-democratic Lisbon Treaty.
And do they really believe in Democracy, when, in God-forsaken Gaza, Hamas, follow their orders, hold elections and win, only to be then labelled as "terrorists".
This hypocrisy is only equalled by theirs and the "liberal" BBC's naivete as they cheer the "People's revolutions" in these Arab countries.
And - just as the champagne socialist Fabians and liberals of the 1930s turned a blind eye to Stalin's gulags and mass exterminations - they dismiss the warnings of people like the Yemeni President, who tell us these are not "peoples revolutions", but the work of Israel and The USA, designed to fragment and destabilise these Arab societies.
If you don't believe these people (who should know), just take a look at the new "democratic" state of Iraq (formely Israel's biggest foe) where there have been no elections for a year and where innocent people are still being blown up and suicide bombings an everyday occurrence.!
It would be nothing more than these "liberal"hypocrites deserve than ironically to see in six months time, Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Yemen, Iran etc, all transformed into radical Islamic states. Or is that really what they want anyway?
It would certainly be a good cover for nuclear-armed Israel and "The West" to attack Iran - which is their real objective and what they have wanted all along.
Finally, I now come to the ultimate comedy: The Island's Premier - who is frantically trying to make a name for himself on the world stage - threatens Libya with military action and no fly-zones over that country.
On the same day he issues these threats, he announces the Army is being cut by 5,000, the RAF by 2,000, (in addition to the 200 trainee pilots he's already sacked). And of course, he has already scrapped the aircraft carriers and frigates and the RAF's Nimrod reconnaisance planes and Harrier jets.
So what I'd like to know is how do you intervene militarily and operate a no-fly zone against a country, when you don't have any ships, aeroplanes or soldiers?
Talk about The Mouse that Roared!
If it wasnt so tragic it would indeed be laughable!
But don't be so surprised. You should know by now, ANYTHING can happen on Fantasy Island!!
Fourth Division Fantasy Island's response to the Libyan situation, was to charter a plane which could't take off from Gatwick because of "mechanical failure"!
Meanwhile, Russia, France, Italy etc, swiftly evacuated all of their nationals, as Foriegn Secretary, the gormless William Hague, was stupidly and wrongly telling TV viewers that Gadafi was on his way to Venezuela.
By the way, I've been thinking it's about time the United Nations moved their H.Q. from New York to London.
Why? you ask.
Well have you noticed that whatever trouble spot flares up in the world, there are immediately that country's nationals demonstrating on the Island's streets, like the crowds of Libyans screaming their heads off in Manchester last week.
I would never have guessed there were 2,000 of them in Manchester. But then why should I be so surprised when we already have, Albanian, Russian, Polish, Somali, Ugandan, Zimbabwe, Bangladeshi, Chinese, Iranian, Iraqi, Kurd, Burmese, Afghanistani, Turkish, Ukranian, Estonian, Romanian "communities" here on the Island - all quick to demonstrate whenever an incident occurrs in their home country, but unwilling to go back home and do something about it!
And how farcical to watch Cameron and all those luvvy liberals demanding "democracy" and "human rights" , for the people in these feudal Middle east countries, whilst on their own "democratic" Island, they operate millions of CCTV cameras to watch every move of their own citizens; forcibly take DNA samples from men, women and children who have committed no crime; throw people in jail for having no TV licence; tell supermarkets how much to charge for their alcohol, criminalise people for objecting to homosexuality; ban smoking (except for themselves in parliament and convicted prisoners); sack nurses and policemen rather than useless pen-pushers; zealously and treacherously implement fascist European Union directives to subjugate and constantly break their promises to their own people- such as a Referndum on the perniciously anti-democratic Lisbon Treaty.
And do they really believe in Democracy, when, in God-forsaken Gaza, Hamas, follow their orders, hold elections and win, only to be then labelled as "terrorists".
This hypocrisy is only equalled by theirs and the "liberal" BBC's naivete as they cheer the "People's revolutions" in these Arab countries.
And - just as the champagne socialist Fabians and liberals of the 1930s turned a blind eye to Stalin's gulags and mass exterminations - they dismiss the warnings of people like the Yemeni President, who tell us these are not "peoples revolutions", but the work of Israel and The USA, designed to fragment and destabilise these Arab societies.
If you don't believe these people (who should know), just take a look at the new "democratic" state of Iraq (formely Israel's biggest foe) where there have been no elections for a year and where innocent people are still being blown up and suicide bombings an everyday occurrence.!
It would be nothing more than these "liberal"hypocrites deserve than ironically to see in six months time, Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Yemen, Iran etc, all transformed into radical Islamic states. Or is that really what they want anyway?
It would certainly be a good cover for nuclear-armed Israel and "The West" to attack Iran - which is their real objective and what they have wanted all along.
Finally, I now come to the ultimate comedy: The Island's Premier - who is frantically trying to make a name for himself on the world stage - threatens Libya with military action and no fly-zones over that country.
On the same day he issues these threats, he announces the Army is being cut by 5,000, the RAF by 2,000, (in addition to the 200 trainee pilots he's already sacked). And of course, he has already scrapped the aircraft carriers and frigates and the RAF's Nimrod reconnaisance planes and Harrier jets.
So what I'd like to know is how do you intervene militarily and operate a no-fly zone against a country, when you don't have any ships, aeroplanes or soldiers?
Talk about The Mouse that Roared!
If it wasnt so tragic it would indeed be laughable!
But don't be so surprised. You should know by now, ANYTHING can happen on Fantasy Island!!
Monday, 14 February 2011
Well folks, here we go again with some more snippets from Fantasy island.
It's government wants to legalise church weddings for homosexuals - with hymns, blessings and all the trimmings. It says that although their sexual orientation is different, they are nonetheless the same! (figure that one out).
This of course will open the door for ANYONE of a "different sexual orientation" to marry in church. So all you bestiality lovers who are mad about your horses and dogs, get down to the Little Chapel of Fantasy Island pronto and put the banns up!
By the way, what on earth is happening to the female of the species? I have never seen so many overweight, fat (sorry, Obese) young women and girls waddling along the streets of Fantasy Island- some of them still scoffing burgers and kebabs as they waddle to their early graves.
In the days when the Island was called Britain,you hardly ever saw such grotesque spectacles as this. But then, that was when there was P.T. Hockey and Netball in the schools, before all the playing fields were sold off by Labour councils to capitalist developers. And of course before supermarkets, kebab shops and junk food became a way of life.
The Big Society is supposed to be about the community, public spiritedness and volunteering.
The only problem is the Island's government has wrecked the Community and cut off all its funds. So the only ones who can carry out the aims of the Big Society are private and corporate companies - which was the intention in the first place.
But the only problem with even that, is that there will shortly be no small private companies because the banks - which the government owns - whilst giving themselves £millions in bonuses,won't lend them any money!
Similarly the government says that the private sector will mop up the job losses in the public services. But how will they, if these businesses are closing down every day, causing mass redundancies, because the banks wont lend them any money?
And by the way, are they deluding the Islanders as well as themselves when they talk about the "public sector" and "public transport?"
I ask, because both are non-existent now on the Island: There are no public trains, buses or aeroplanes or public utilities anymore. So who are they kidding? Even the National Health Service and BBC programmes are now delivered by contracted private commercial companies.
Meanwhile, we see £million pound Nimrod air force planes being broken up in the Knacker-Yard and 200 expensively trained young pilots sacked because there are no more Harrier jump jets or helicopters for them to fly!
And to any young public-spirited men who wish to serve their country by joining the Royal Navy, all I can say is, By all means....if you can find a ship!
And the best about this is that these ministers trying to kid the Islanders that all of this is for their own good and that "We are all in this together" (like Maude, Cameron and Clegg etc) were the same gangsters who robbed the taxpayers of £thousands, fiddling their expenses last year.
And on this same Fantasy Island, these are the same cowboys who try to brainwash the natives that Austerity and cuts to the bone are good for them (e.g the closure of nurseries and old peoples homes, the sacking of street cleaners etc) whilst giving away a "ring-fenced" £8 Billion in "Overseas Development" every year to China India and Africa - not to mention the £10 million a week to the European Union!
In this land of the Insane, there are still a few perfectly sane Islanders who now believe they couldn't have been worse off if Hitler had won the war!
Well, folks don't say you weren't warned. If you want to stay tuned in to Fantasy island, you'd better start believing that two plus two DO make five, and that Ignorance IS Strength. Otherwise you might be visited by the Politically Correct Police one dark night and find yourself locked up for your "Controversial" thoughts!!
It's government wants to legalise church weddings for homosexuals - with hymns, blessings and all the trimmings. It says that although their sexual orientation is different, they are nonetheless the same! (figure that one out).
This of course will open the door for ANYONE of a "different sexual orientation" to marry in church. So all you bestiality lovers who are mad about your horses and dogs, get down to the Little Chapel of Fantasy Island pronto and put the banns up!
By the way, what on earth is happening to the female of the species? I have never seen so many overweight, fat (sorry, Obese) young women and girls waddling along the streets of Fantasy Island- some of them still scoffing burgers and kebabs as they waddle to their early graves.
In the days when the Island was called Britain,you hardly ever saw such grotesque spectacles as this. But then, that was when there was P.T. Hockey and Netball in the schools, before all the playing fields were sold off by Labour councils to capitalist developers. And of course before supermarkets, kebab shops and junk food became a way of life.
The Big Society is supposed to be about the community, public spiritedness and volunteering.
The only problem is the Island's government has wrecked the Community and cut off all its funds. So the only ones who can carry out the aims of the Big Society are private and corporate companies - which was the intention in the first place.
But the only problem with even that, is that there will shortly be no small private companies because the banks - which the government owns - whilst giving themselves £millions in bonuses,won't lend them any money!
Similarly the government says that the private sector will mop up the job losses in the public services. But how will they, if these businesses are closing down every day, causing mass redundancies, because the banks wont lend them any money?
And by the way, are they deluding the Islanders as well as themselves when they talk about the "public sector" and "public transport?"
I ask, because both are non-existent now on the Island: There are no public trains, buses or aeroplanes or public utilities anymore. So who are they kidding? Even the National Health Service and BBC programmes are now delivered by contracted private commercial companies.
Meanwhile, we see £million pound Nimrod air force planes being broken up in the Knacker-Yard and 200 expensively trained young pilots sacked because there are no more Harrier jump jets or helicopters for them to fly!
And to any young public-spirited men who wish to serve their country by joining the Royal Navy, all I can say is, By all means....if you can find a ship!
And the best about this is that these ministers trying to kid the Islanders that all of this is for their own good and that "We are all in this together" (like Maude, Cameron and Clegg etc) were the same gangsters who robbed the taxpayers of £thousands, fiddling their expenses last year.
And on this same Fantasy Island, these are the same cowboys who try to brainwash the natives that Austerity and cuts to the bone are good for them (e.g the closure of nurseries and old peoples homes, the sacking of street cleaners etc) whilst giving away a "ring-fenced" £8 Billion in "Overseas Development" every year to China India and Africa - not to mention the £10 million a week to the European Union!
In this land of the Insane, there are still a few perfectly sane Islanders who now believe they couldn't have been worse off if Hitler had won the war!
Well, folks don't say you weren't warned. If you want to stay tuned in to Fantasy island, you'd better start believing that two plus two DO make five, and that Ignorance IS Strength. Otherwise you might be visited by the Politically Correct Police one dark night and find yourself locked up for your "Controversial" thoughts!!
Wednesday, 26 January 2011
It's bad enough that two televison football pundits, one of them a former world-class player, are nationally reviled and whose behaviour is gravely described as "unacceptable", "loutish" and "explosive" for simply saying a female "lineswoman" didn't understand the Off-Side rule, I mean, she wasn't raped, or mugged or murdered!.
But even worse - instead of these two so-called "Men" telling everyone to get stuffed, they prostrate themselves before the Altar of aggressive Feminism and Political Correctness in abject contrition and can't stop apologising for their terrible Sin!
But then, as you are probably aware by now, that's all par for the course in today's Fantasy Island.
Then we have a woman judge on the Supreme Court (could she be a Lesbian by any chance?) who's just decreed that shouting at your partner from now on constitutes violence, for which you can be sent to gaol. And if by some error you are not sent to gaol, then your partner or spouse can jump the queue and get a new Council House because of your "Violence."
This ruling has been compared to Alice In Wonderland, where Humpty Dumpty says words (like "Violence) can mean whatever you want them to mean. But I'm not too sure. Sounds more like George Orwell's sinister Doublethink and Ingsoc to me.
But then, again what do you expect in Fantasy Island where two plus two already makes five!
By the way, The Island, which under it's old name of Great Britain defeated Germany in 1945 (with the help of America, Canada, the Soviet Union, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, India, Kenya, Uganda, Tibet, Burma and uncle Tom Cobleigh and all) now has two million young people out of work and with no prospects of ever getting a job. Drugs and gun crime are everywhere. For most, that's all they have, or will ever have going for them.
Well, you don't really expect the 16 millionaires who make up the Condom Government to do anything about it do you?
Don't forget, this is Fantasy Island we're talking about!
Whilst this is going on in the Island, the above-mentioned "defeated" Germany's economy is booming, with thousands of young people doing engineering apprenticeships to fulfill it's order books for cars, trucks,wagons and heavy agricultural machinery.
They're' working very hard those young people, just like their parents. And they're willing to forego pay rises and perks. You see, they are not like the Fantasy Islanders, who every time they're interviewed at Election time on TV can only talk about themselves and what the government can do for them and, "What's in it for ME"?!
No, these German workers are all pulling together and willing to make personal material sacrifices for the good of their country and their self respect - which they know in the end will benefit all.
What's really funny about all this, is that the Fantasy Islanders either don't know or don't care that it was one of their own great poets, John Donne in the 16 Century, who said, "No man is an island", and "Every man's death diminishes me." And that it takes those naughty Germans to adopt this attitude and follow his lead!
But even worse - instead of these two so-called "Men" telling everyone to get stuffed, they prostrate themselves before the Altar of aggressive Feminism and Political Correctness in abject contrition and can't stop apologising for their terrible Sin!
But then, as you are probably aware by now, that's all par for the course in today's Fantasy Island.
Then we have a woman judge on the Supreme Court (could she be a Lesbian by any chance?) who's just decreed that shouting at your partner from now on constitutes violence, for which you can be sent to gaol. And if by some error you are not sent to gaol, then your partner or spouse can jump the queue and get a new Council House because of your "Violence."
This ruling has been compared to Alice In Wonderland, where Humpty Dumpty says words (like "Violence) can mean whatever you want them to mean. But I'm not too sure. Sounds more like George Orwell's sinister Doublethink and Ingsoc to me.
But then, again what do you expect in Fantasy Island where two plus two already makes five!
By the way, The Island, which under it's old name of Great Britain defeated Germany in 1945 (with the help of America, Canada, the Soviet Union, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, India, Kenya, Uganda, Tibet, Burma and uncle Tom Cobleigh and all) now has two million young people out of work and with no prospects of ever getting a job. Drugs and gun crime are everywhere. For most, that's all they have, or will ever have going for them.
Well, you don't really expect the 16 millionaires who make up the Condom Government to do anything about it do you?
Don't forget, this is Fantasy Island we're talking about!
Whilst this is going on in the Island, the above-mentioned "defeated" Germany's economy is booming, with thousands of young people doing engineering apprenticeships to fulfill it's order books for cars, trucks,wagons and heavy agricultural machinery.
They're' working very hard those young people, just like their parents. And they're willing to forego pay rises and perks. You see, they are not like the Fantasy Islanders, who every time they're interviewed at Election time on TV can only talk about themselves and what the government can do for them and, "What's in it for ME"?!
No, these German workers are all pulling together and willing to make personal material sacrifices for the good of their country and their self respect - which they know in the end will benefit all.
What's really funny about all this, is that the Fantasy Islanders either don't know or don't care that it was one of their own great poets, John Donne in the 16 Century, who said, "No man is an island", and "Every man's death diminishes me." And that it takes those naughty Germans to adopt this attitude and follow his lead!
Thursday, 20 January 2011
"Those ungrateful drones who would,
drink your sweat and suck your blood".
- Percy Byshe Shelley.
Whilst I've been doling out my Tea and Sympathy to Lou Santangeli (quite rightly I might say ) over the ingratitude shown to him after his tremendous feat in clearing the names of Kelly and Connolly, I had a blind spot about my own efforts in that direction.
Well, that is until I met an old old friend in town the other night and after a good few drinks, he reminded me of some of them.
"Remember", he said, "when you were home on leave from Ruskin, and represented Mick so-and-so- who was a neighbour, and you won his DSS Appeal against having his Dole stopped?"
Yes, I remembered all right. I didn't expect nor did I get anything off him because he was out of work and had young kids. But I regretted it afterwards when I was told he was an enforcer for a Loan Shark on a Huyton estate.
Then there was the Halewood pensioner, a former market trader
my family had known for years from the city centre. He was only on a pension, topped up with Income Support. And theChild Support Agency was taking pounds off him every week because he'd been foolish enough to marry a much younger woman and have two kids to her.
I took his case to a DSS Tribunal and won him all his money back.
Again I didn't expect any reward, and I didn't get any. Afterwards, outside the Tribunal in Dale Street, he promised me a bottle of single malt 14 year-old Scotch.
I'm still waiting for that whisky, which must now be at least 30 years-old!
Then there was the case of the 36 year-old foreman on a Work Experience gardening project in Kirkby, who was unfairly made redundant.
Kenny was a nice lad and a hard worker. Being skint he couldn't get a lawyer to take his case (you couldn't get legal aid for tribunals) so he literally begged me to represent him at an Industrial Tribunal - which I did.
The case took weeks of hard preparation. But I took great delight in defeating the Government's barrister by winning the case for Kenny and getting him £3,000 compensation.
I got no fees or costs of my own but got great satisfaction from putting one over on the Government and rubbing the snobbish barrister's nose in it!
When I handed the three grand in notes to Kenny and suggested celebrating by going out for a meal and a drink, his girlfriend - who was counting the money - advised him not to. Instead he offered me some of his own home-made "Tea-Wine" and ten Russian ciggies!! Needless to say, I made my apologies and quickly left!!
But I didnt learn any lessons from these episodes.
The next Vampire hovering above for more blood (they must have all known I was a Night Owl myself) was a West Derby guy who contacted me after reading my book about injustice -The Cameo Conspiracy.
But his was a different kind of injustice: his son had been the victim of an horrendous stabbing by two thugs who had been let off because they were also police informers.
Well. after about 8 years of continual advice, telephone calls and numerous letters and reports on his behalf, he didn't get in touch for a few months. When he finally did so it was to tell me he'd written a book about his son's case and would I look at it.
I readily obliged and corrected all of the grammar, syntax, punctuation etc. I also gave him some literary advice, suggested an eye-catching title and actually wrote a Foreword for him.
A few more months went by then he got in touch again, handing me a copy of the book which he had published himself.
He had not used my suggested title or my Foreword. And for my years of hard work dvice and support there was no acknowledgement worth speaking of.
Like my pensioner friend, he told me that as a gesture of thanks for my nine years work, he had intended buying me a bottle of Scotch.. He didn't so because - as he told me with a straight face -he didn't know what brand I drank!!
Haven't seen or heard of him since.
I believe his book sold 50 copies.
But the most recent case of serious abuse of my good nature has determined me, Never again! No more Mr Nice Guy!
This was a working-class guy from the slums of Toxteth who made a fortune in the rag trade through his own industriousness and hard work but he lost it all in 1992 on Black Wednesday. But I admired his grit and still admire grafters like that.
So when he wrote a book about his life of rags to riches it was obvious that, like most people who are very good with figures, he was hopeless with words. In other words, he was no writer.But I felt he had a great story to tell so I decided to help him.
Over several weeks I went through the book with him - which was overlong and repetitive - proof-reading, painstakingly correcting and editing it until the whole 450 pages were knocked into shape and fit for publication.
At the time he was so effusively "grateful" he promised me a percentage if it became a best-seller, promised to praise me in the acknowledgements, and that once he had a publisher he would open doors for me for the book I was writing.
Well, as with all the other vampires, I heard nothing more for several months until he contacted me to tell me he had acquired a literary agent and a national publisher for his book who had given him a £5,000 advance.
His re-titled book is out now. I don't get a mention in the acknowledgements. And I'm still waiting for my percentage and my introduction to his publisher!!
No, I told my old friend, I hadn't forgotten all of these vampires. But, let's face it, such mean, ignoble and ungrateful parasites quite simply are not worth remembering, are they?
drink your sweat and suck your blood".
- Percy Byshe Shelley.
Whilst I've been doling out my Tea and Sympathy to Lou Santangeli (quite rightly I might say ) over the ingratitude shown to him after his tremendous feat in clearing the names of Kelly and Connolly, I had a blind spot about my own efforts in that direction.
Well, that is until I met an old old friend in town the other night and after a good few drinks, he reminded me of some of them.
"Remember", he said, "when you were home on leave from Ruskin, and represented Mick so-and-so- who was a neighbour, and you won his DSS Appeal against having his Dole stopped?"
Yes, I remembered all right. I didn't expect nor did I get anything off him because he was out of work and had young kids. But I regretted it afterwards when I was told he was an enforcer for a Loan Shark on a Huyton estate.
Then there was the Halewood pensioner, a former market trader
my family had known for years from the city centre. He was only on a pension, topped up with Income Support. And theChild Support Agency was taking pounds off him every week because he'd been foolish enough to marry a much younger woman and have two kids to her.
I took his case to a DSS Tribunal and won him all his money back.
Again I didn't expect any reward, and I didn't get any. Afterwards, outside the Tribunal in Dale Street, he promised me a bottle of single malt 14 year-old Scotch.
I'm still waiting for that whisky, which must now be at least 30 years-old!
Then there was the case of the 36 year-old foreman on a Work Experience gardening project in Kirkby, who was unfairly made redundant.
Kenny was a nice lad and a hard worker. Being skint he couldn't get a lawyer to take his case (you couldn't get legal aid for tribunals) so he literally begged me to represent him at an Industrial Tribunal - which I did.
The case took weeks of hard preparation. But I took great delight in defeating the Government's barrister by winning the case for Kenny and getting him £3,000 compensation.
I got no fees or costs of my own but got great satisfaction from putting one over on the Government and rubbing the snobbish barrister's nose in it!
When I handed the three grand in notes to Kenny and suggested celebrating by going out for a meal and a drink, his girlfriend - who was counting the money - advised him not to. Instead he offered me some of his own home-made "Tea-Wine" and ten Russian ciggies!! Needless to say, I made my apologies and quickly left!!
But I didnt learn any lessons from these episodes.
The next Vampire hovering above for more blood (they must have all known I was a Night Owl myself) was a West Derby guy who contacted me after reading my book about injustice -The Cameo Conspiracy.
But his was a different kind of injustice: his son had been the victim of an horrendous stabbing by two thugs who had been let off because they were also police informers.
Well. after about 8 years of continual advice, telephone calls and numerous letters and reports on his behalf, he didn't get in touch for a few months. When he finally did so it was to tell me he'd written a book about his son's case and would I look at it.
I readily obliged and corrected all of the grammar, syntax, punctuation etc. I also gave him some literary advice, suggested an eye-catching title and actually wrote a Foreword for him.
A few more months went by then he got in touch again, handing me a copy of the book which he had published himself.
He had not used my suggested title or my Foreword. And for my years of hard work dvice and support there was no acknowledgement worth speaking of.
Like my pensioner friend, he told me that as a gesture of thanks for my nine years work, he had intended buying me a bottle of Scotch.. He didn't so because - as he told me with a straight face -he didn't know what brand I drank!!
Haven't seen or heard of him since.
I believe his book sold 50 copies.
But the most recent case of serious abuse of my good nature has determined me, Never again! No more Mr Nice Guy!
This was a working-class guy from the slums of Toxteth who made a fortune in the rag trade through his own industriousness and hard work but he lost it all in 1992 on Black Wednesday. But I admired his grit and still admire grafters like that.
So when he wrote a book about his life of rags to riches it was obvious that, like most people who are very good with figures, he was hopeless with words. In other words, he was no writer.But I felt he had a great story to tell so I decided to help him.
Over several weeks I went through the book with him - which was overlong and repetitive - proof-reading, painstakingly correcting and editing it until the whole 450 pages were knocked into shape and fit for publication.
At the time he was so effusively "grateful" he promised me a percentage if it became a best-seller, promised to praise me in the acknowledgements, and that once he had a publisher he would open doors for me for the book I was writing.
Well, as with all the other vampires, I heard nothing more for several months until he contacted me to tell me he had acquired a literary agent and a national publisher for his book who had given him a £5,000 advance.
His re-titled book is out now. I don't get a mention in the acknowledgements. And I'm still waiting for my percentage and my introduction to his publisher!!
No, I told my old friend, I hadn't forgotten all of these vampires. But, let's face it, such mean, ignoble and ungrateful parasites quite simply are not worth remembering, are they?
Tuesday, 4 January 2011
I am of course grateful to the two "anonymous" correspondents who favourably commented on my Cameo Appeal piece.
But can I just say that although I did indeed reveal the crucial appeal-winning statement in 1998 in my book, it was Lou Santangeli, who also discovered it and successfully pursued the case through the legal channels.
He ploughed his own furrow at his own expense for years, only for the lawyers and the Kelly Family to wrongly be given all the praise.
I do not wish to castigate the Kelly family. I simply believe that the man responsible for such a monumental victory, which vindicated their uncle and removed the decades-old stain from their family name, deserved a simple Thank You.
As for the comment about Kelly's brothers being blinded by their brothers fate. Firstly his brothers are long dead. Nobody, certainly not me, is criticising them. But there is no justification for the remaining members of his family not expressing gratitude to Mr Santangeli.
I myself have not been given any recognition for my efforts nor do I expect any. On the contrary I have been criticised as someone who has exploited the case and the Kelly family's grief for mercenary gain. But I can assure you this feeling is not shared by the Connolly family. And I can say with the utmost authority that the supposed financial gain is no more than an ill-informed figment of these critics imagination.
My motivation like Mr Santangeli's - even though we were working seperately at the time - was simply to expose a terrible miscarriage of justice. And despite the lack of recognition and thanks, I think Mr Santangeli, like myself, will be quite content that we both succeeded in our different ways.
But can I just say that although I did indeed reveal the crucial appeal-winning statement in 1998 in my book, it was Lou Santangeli, who also discovered it and successfully pursued the case through the legal channels.
He ploughed his own furrow at his own expense for years, only for the lawyers and the Kelly Family to wrongly be given all the praise.
I do not wish to castigate the Kelly family. I simply believe that the man responsible for such a monumental victory, which vindicated their uncle and removed the decades-old stain from their family name, deserved a simple Thank You.
As for the comment about Kelly's brothers being blinded by their brothers fate. Firstly his brothers are long dead. Nobody, certainly not me, is criticising them. But there is no justification for the remaining members of his family not expressing gratitude to Mr Santangeli.
I myself have not been given any recognition for my efforts nor do I expect any. On the contrary I have been criticised as someone who has exploited the case and the Kelly family's grief for mercenary gain. But I can assure you this feeling is not shared by the Connolly family. And I can say with the utmost authority that the supposed financial gain is no more than an ill-informed figment of these critics imagination.
My motivation like Mr Santangeli's - even though we were working seperately at the time - was simply to expose a terrible miscarriage of justice. And despite the lack of recognition and thanks, I think Mr Santangeli, like myself, will be quite content that we both succeeded in our different ways.
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