Tuesday, 27 September 2011


It might take about 60 years say, and it would have to be done insideously by stealth, but this is How I Would Ruin This Country and turn it into a Third World backwater and a fantasy island at the same time.
I.  I would initiate a class war by setting the trade unions against the Government. This wouldn't be a real class war, but it would eventually succeed in destroying our great industries like mining and ship-building, and gradually wreck our manufacturing base - which is the fount of all of a country's wealth.

2.  Next, because this Country had an Empire which brought education, civilisation and economic advances to it's colonies, I would slowly but surely get rid of  it. This could be done under the guise of giving them democracy and independence - even though I know they really would end up as one-party-states. And to make it look really good, I'd get various members of the Royal Family to carry out the "handover" ceremonies. I would particularly  gloat over the lowering of the Union Jack.    It wouldn't matter if terrorist organisations in some of these colonies forced us out before we were ready by blowing us up or shooting our soldiers  and their wives in the back in the process, as they may do in places like Aden or Cyprus.   I would still welcome and invite those  terrorists to come and settle here.  That would serve a dual purpose, it would be the start of my multi-racial and multi-cultural agenda, which would rid us once and for all of the so-called indigenous British race. But it would also have a really great destructive effect on Housing, hospitals and jobs. That surely would help to hasten the  disintegration!

3.  Following up on this  great project of ruination with the encouragement of mass immigration from all over the world, I would then gradually bring in tighter and tighter laws to stop our countrymen from complaining. And if they did so they would initially be branded as  "Racialists" and jailed under the Race Relations Laws I would bring in. But then  when some smart arses would inevitably point out that  that was a non-derogatory, neutral, respectable word (i.e. a student of the differenation between human races) I would invent another truly derogatory word. - Racist   Don't you think that's really clever of me?  Later I would modify and extend it to include "Ageist", "Sexist" etc. to shut up any opponents of  another part of my Grand Ruination Plan.

4.  Next, with the witting and unwitting help of the useful idiots in parliament (and more importantly my devious Marxist Whitehall friends in the Civil Service) I would gradually change most of the laws. Abolish Capital Punishment. Legalise Cannabis. Get rid of all censorship, Abolish Grammar Schools, Legalise Homosexuality (and possibly give it a more "consumer friendly" shorthand name, such as  "Gay") . Legalise Prostitution and replace the derogatory word "Prostitute"  with the more genteel, "Sex Worker".

5.  Now here's my master-stroke that would guarantee once and for all  not only the ruination but the virtual exinction of Great Britain as we know it.  I'd join an Economic Union with the rest of Europe. (I'd call it a Common Market at first). The advantages I'd explain, would be magnificent - nearly a billion customers for our goods, unhindered travel  across Europe, the abolition of passports etc. - Well, I wouldn't tell the people too much at this stage.  In fact a few years after joining, I'd give them a vote on whether to stay in this Common Market. But with  the help of my corrupt Marxist civil servants and my fascist international banker friends, the vote would of course be rigged to say YES.  Then stealthily over the years, I'd give away to the Common Market so many  powers, that by today they would be practically ruling us from Brussels. Oh, and by the way, it would now be called the Europoean Union, with its own flag and its own consititution and its own currency - something like say, a Euro.
This E.U. along with our own  bureacrats would then have the power to tell us what to say how to behave and even what to think.  And quite right too!  And then, God help any old British reactionaries who dared to call a spade a spade.  That would put paid to any of the Phobics - like Homophobics - who may have the nerve to protest!

 Now comes my final nail in the coffin of G.B. Ltd..
Since my Marxist friends have always said you could never take this country with a revolutionn, I  would confuse the electorate so thoroughly, and give them so little choice between the 3 parties,  that t a "liberal" Coalition government would result.
And  this Government would then -  although  waging  justifiable everlasting war in one place or another in accordance with its "liberal interventionist" belief and  for the benefit of our friends the arms manufacturers - proceed to dismantle  our own defence forces (wouldn't it be great to see,for instance, the Ark Royal being sold on E-Bay!).   And quite right too! Wouldn't it be a much better idea, as I would do, to  to send £billions  in international aid to our former colonies in India and Africa instead?
Oh, I forgot to mention -  I would encourage the flood of hard drugs into the country - especially for our young people, and also destroy the education system and any discipline in our schools. That way there would be no chance of ANYONE trying to turn back the clock and reverse my RUINATION PLAN! 


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