Wednesday, 6 October 2010


Watching the news about the latest Taliban and Al Queda atrocities in Pakistan's lawless Khyber Pass and the Yemen, I couldn't help thinking, Thank God for the destruction of the old British Empire by the USA, the United Nations and the"International Community."
  It really was an evil institution. I mean, take Zimbabwe for instance, now a wonderful Marxist dictatorship, where the black Dictator lives in a Golden Palace. Remember when it used to be merely white Rhodesia, the so-called "Food Basket of Africa?"  I mean isn't it more desirable that native Zambibweans now own all the farms - even if they grow nothing anymore and inflation is 1000%, and the population is starving?

And take the Yemen, another former colony. In Aden, the British had a base and their soldiers used to keep law and order and kill revolutionaries on sight.  But it's now so much better when there is lawlessness and Yemeni Al Queda run the show, even if they've tried a few times to blow up that remnant of British Imperialism - the  British Ambassador. So what? I mean, that's what Independence is all about isnt it? 

And look at yet another former British colony Cyprus (Oh how I hate that inperialistic word, "Colony").  Who wants peace and stability when it's run, like it used to be,  by the detestable British Empire. Far better now that the island is split in two between Greeks and Turks. How exciting the thought that war could break out anyday between them. Now that's Democracy!

And what about South Africa? Again another success story. Democracy there at last, even if gun crime and daily murders are in abundance, and the new democratic African National Congress government gets smeared as corrupt and the millions of Africans are still living in townships like Soweto. That's what independence is all about. And anyway, they like living in huts in townships, don't they?  We must respect their "culture." 

And last of all, the crowning glory - Pakistan!  This is where Democracy really excelled itself. This is the greatest success story to result from the destruction of the British Empire.
Because not only did it free itself from the yoke of British Colonisation (by virtue of the liberal British Establishment) but it was lucky enough to also retain free unlimited admittance for all of it's citizens to the heart of that wicked British Empire. And to make it even more of a success story, once they became "British Citizens" they were then free to travel back to their Homeland to train as Taliban and Al Queda "Freedom fighters" against British soldiers in Afghanistan or create murder and mayhem on the streets of London - and some did.
Talk about having it three ways!  Great! Good luck to them, I say. 
The decadent British, like the Romans before them, are at last paying for the Sins of their evil Empire!  

1 comment:

  1. I note, dear Sir George, that you mention the Romans in your last paragraph.
    I too would like to quote something, a scene from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"

    John Cleese,"Yes well, apart from the roads, education, sanitation, Health service, regular food supplies, policing and democracy. What have the Romans ever done for us?"

    Substitute the word "Roman" for "British", and add railways, and you get the picture.

    I'm sick of people telling me that what we have now is our penance for our past "crimes" against these people.

    The truth is, if it were not for us Brits, the whole lot of 'em would still be living in mud huts and crapping in the dirt streets. And that includes the Austrailians (The True Austrailians)
