Monday, 4 October 2010


Saw a great musical show in London's West End over the weekend. DREAMBOATS & PETTICOATS.
It was set in the Sixties, with a brilliant, multi-talented young cast doing the great numbers of Roy Orbison, Bobby Darin,  Smokey Robinson, Carole King, Sam Cooke etc..   Each member could not only act and dance but also play various musical instruments, and all were great vocalists.
 Full of admiration, I refelected why these young talented performers could not get a look-in on national TV.  Recording  or Radio. Then it dawned on me why?   Two reasons:-
 The cheapo TV crap  masquarading as talent and  entertainment - think X-Factor, Britain's Got Talent - which are nothing more than exploitative freak shows.
The refusal of the likes of the greedy, narcissitic,  multi-millionaire pensioners, Tom Jones, Rod Stewart, Elton John, Bono, Phil Collins, to gracefully retire and give the younger generation a chance.
At least three of these could never ever sing to keep themselves warm anyway.  As far as I'm concerned they got to the top by false pretences.
 Come on boys (and girls). You've had your day.  Time to move over and give the real boys and girls a chance!!

1 comment:

  1. Dreamboats and Petticoats is a great musical. It has so far sporned 2 double CD's and you may like to know that the song Dreamboats and Petticoats was penned by Jason Donovan, who played the lead in the show when it first opened.
