Tuesday, 7 December 2010


If ever there was clear evidence that there is a fascist clique of  Wall street, the international media,  global corporations and international bankers (and their stooges the politicians)  who are the real rulers of the world, the current WikiLeaks saga is most definitely it.

Australian, Julian Assange, the greatest whistlblower of all time, is tonight in Wandsworth prison.
He is there because he willingly attended a London police station.
HE was NOT arrested, as the complicit media allege.
The trumped-up sexual charges against him were dropped months ago by Sweden's Chief prosecutor.
Yesterday he voluntarily handed in his passport as a sign of good faith that he would not abscond.
He was NOT charged with any offence. That is why he was totally justified in refusing to have his fingerprints or photograph taken (as if the latter was necessary!)
 Despite £180,00 bail being offered by genuine supporters of Free Speech, and NOT being charged with any offence, a jobsworth lackey of a magistrate has incarcerated him  in London's top security prison where he is denied any access to his lawyer for the next 5 days.
 Now I've heard of imprisonment without trial. But without even a charge?!

 Just think about all that for a moment.  Alll the above has just occurred in this country, your country, the country for which millions of men and women died  in two world wars. The country which  is supposed to be a "liberal democracy" where the world renowned "British Justice" is supposed to prevail.
 So how can this happen, you ask?   
Well I mentioned multi-national corporations and global banks as part of the fascist One-World conspiracy. So is it any coincidence that multi-nationals like Amazon, Pay Pal and Visa, among many others, have cut off the feet from under WikiLeaks?  
And is it any coincidence that the proven liar, the Bilderberger and member of the Illuminati, Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, is the one who has been hysterically screaming  the loudest for Assange's blood, under the guise of concern for America's security?.

And whilst this Global smokescreen is in full flow, is it any coincidence that her Department has quietly  crept out the news that the US has dropped its insistence on Israel stopping it's illegal and expanding settlement programme on occupied Palestinian land?

America, as the centrepiece and bully boy of the embryonic WORLD GOVERNMENT, like all arrogant bullies, has a massive ego and poor Mr Assange's crime is that he has really offended it. Even worse he is telling the people of the world the TRUTH by daily exposing America's lies, hypocrisy, venality  and double-dealing (think Guantamomo, Water Boarding and Extraordinary Rendition ).
He has - and commendably WikiLeaks is continuing to do so-  exposed the international bureacratic duping of the ordinary people that goes on in secret every day of the week. But the people are beginning to wake up - witness the mass protests in Greece, Ireland, Spain and Italy.
So Mr Assanges has to be made an example of.   And you can bet your life that the International Elite, who really run the world, will not be satisified until they destroy him.

And if you think this is just another fanciful  "conspiracy theory", well all I can say in all modesty is that I was right about the last Conspiracy I wrote about!


  1. Friday 10th December 2010.

    Two extradition cases in the British courts.

    Case (1)

    A British passport holder of Pakistani decent is wanted by South Africa for Murdering his wife. They have clear video evidence of the suspect, meeting other members of the gang that pulled the trigger.

    Court decision: Release him on bail.

    Case (2)

    An Austrailian national on trumped up politically motivated charges for which there is not a shred of evidence, in fact, the suspect, has already been told that he has no case to answer by the Government which is now seeking extradition, Sweeden.

    Court decision: Remand in custody.

    What is going on in this country? Where is justice hiding?

  2. Difficult to say at the moment, what the real motive is behind the "leaks". One thing for sure, is that the author/patsy and the trumped up charges are giving the "leaks" the attention and publicity that the people behind it all' have successfully planned.

    I personnally bekieve the "leak" regarding the SA royal family requesting the USA to attack Iran, was the "leak" that had to be leaked and some poor bastard is about to take the can for that "unfortunate leak".
