Have you ever wondered why Joggers always run on main roads? Is it because they are vain or just stupid?
Vain, because maybe they feel nobody would notice them if they jogged on back roads or in the desolate countryside. And they DO want to be noticed. But then again, maybe they are simply stupid. Because whilst they are racing along and preening themselves like two-legged peacocks, they are also deeply inhaling all the bus, truck and motorcar exhaust fumes! What morons!
And have you ever been into a shop (SuperCigs is the main offender) to join a long queue because only one assistant is serving? The owner cutting costs, you may say. But wait a minute, there are two other "assistants" stacking shelves or having a quiet cuppa in the back, whilst the poor mugs who are actually paying their wages have to suffer a prolonged wait in purgatory.. Now that doesn't even make commercial sense for the owner. But it does show the takling for granted of the customer, nay contempt, that these mindless workers have for us.
My tip? Don't queue. Your time is just as precious as theirs. Demand that they leave off stacking until trade slackens off and start serving. And if everyone looks at you as if you have lost your marbles((as the docile British usually do) then just vote with your feet and walk out. It may even help you to stop smoking!
I find it rather a case of poetic justice that the American who invented "Jogging" actually died at the ripe old age of 51 whilst out "Jogging".