Do you remember when you went to the doctors and you were a Patient?
Do you remember when you jumped a bus or caught a train or plane and you were a Passenger?
Do you remember when you went to see a solicitor and you were a Client?
Do you rememebr when you rented a house or flat and you were a Tenant?
Do you remember when you were on the Dole and you were a Claimant?
Do you remember when to the telephone company or Book Club you were a Subscriber?
Do you remember when to the local club or library you were a Member?
Well forget it!
I don't know whether you've noticed but instead we've all now become "Customers!"
And is it just coincidence that the only commodity Capitalism needs in order to survive and prosper are Customers?!
Whose next, I wonder - Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Son, daughter?
I'm not sure I like this distortion and homogenisation of our various roles in different life situations.
In fact, in the current world of increasing corporate Globalisation where the Nation State is increasingly being rendered Passe, I find this reducing of people to mere simplified units or objects rather sinsister.
What do you think?
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