Have you noticed the latest speech fad is, "To be honest?" This is rapidly replacing, "Blah, blah, blah". And this of course, replaced, "No problem." which replaced "at the minute", which replaced, "The world and his wife."
Do these people prefixing a comment with, "To be honest." mean that all they previously said was dishonest? Otherwise, why stress that you are being honest? And whilst we are at it, why couldn't they just say "etc" instead of "Blah, blah..."? And instead of "No problem", couldn't they have simply said, "Of course?"
And will shop assistants please stop telling me, "There you go" instead of a simple "Thank you."
All of the above idiomatic speech is entirely meaningless lazy, trendy and silly.
So please, let's get back to saying what we actually mean!.
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