Monday, 13 September 2010

More Pet Hates

 Another modern movie spoiled last night by the interminable and totally unnecessary loud background music.
Now don't get me wrong: I used to love the great theme music of westerns such as The Big Country, Giant and High Noon  or the exquisitely melancholic  background theme  in  James Dean's East of Eden.   But, come on!    Never mind this all pervasive blight on almost all of today's movies, you can't even escape it on TV.  I've lost count of how many TV dramas have been ruined by the continual, irritating and totally irrelevant background music.  You can't even hear what the characters are actually saying anymore!
 What, with this and the so-called modern technology of Stero and Dolby Sound, whose deep Bass always makes it sound fuzzy, I've just about given up trying to watch anything anymore.
In fact the only enjoyable movies left are those of the 1940s and 50s, when there was no Sterophonic sound, the sound was crystal clear  and we were allowed to watch and listen to the movie in peace free from all these off-putting distractions.especially the film noir B. Movies, such as Double Indemnity and Now Voyager.
 Come to think of it, I don't think Technicolour did much better for the movies either.
Could I be right about all this?
Or am I  just a resurrected Cave man?

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