Sub- Zero temperatures besiege the Island!
Roads, Airports, Railways, Petrol Stations , Schools - all closed!
But guess what? The Island's new religion, Premier League football (or "Opium Of The Masses", as some unsporting, ignorant critics call it ) still took place last night ,even in snow and freezing ice - West Ham hammered Manchester United and Arsenal trashed Wigan.
There was no way the impassable roads, closed petrol stations, and out-of-action buses and trains were going to stop the worshippers of this multi-million corporate business from getting to the grounds to stand in the freezing cold for two hours to cheer their millioniare idols. No way, man!
But that's the good old Fantasy Islanders for you! That's what used to be called, "the Bulldog Spirit" before the Island became an offfshore province of the European Union.
Yes, you can bet your life NOTHING will get in the way of the Islanders and their beloved religion!
I mean, their own Prime Minister, even as we speak, is in Switzerland with another millionaire, a guy called Beckham, (who is more fashion model than footballer), begging FIFA to let Fantasy Island host the World Cup in 2018. This is despite 5 of FIFA's directors being exposed by the BBC for corruptly lining their pockets with £millions in bribes.
But what the hell. Millionaire old Etonian, David Cameron is determined to show the fans he is much more of a Working Class Hero than his model, Tony Blair!
Before travelling to Zurich he was reliably informed by the BBC's Panorama that you actually lose money by hosting the World Cup - one reason being that the corrupt FIFA demands, among many other exotic benefits, exemption from any taxes payable to the host country.
Well, that's ok with David. I mean what with him and his crew claiming all kinds of mortgage expenses, it's par for the course!
What do you expect!
Oh, and before you go, heard the one about Vince Cable the Government Minister responsible for introducing student tuition fees? Well he says that when it comes to a vote in the House Of Comedians he will probably abstain from passing his own legislation!
Come on!
This is Fantasy Island, after all!
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