Tuesday, 7 December 2010


If ever there was clear evidence that there is a fascist clique of  Wall street, the international media,  global corporations and international bankers (and their stooges the politicians)  who are the real rulers of the world, the current WikiLeaks saga is most definitely it.

Australian, Julian Assange, the greatest whistlblower of all time, is tonight in Wandsworth prison.
He is there because he willingly attended a London police station.
HE was NOT arrested, as the complicit media allege.
The trumped-up sexual charges against him were dropped months ago by Sweden's Chief prosecutor.
Yesterday he voluntarily handed in his passport as a sign of good faith that he would not abscond.
He was NOT charged with any offence. That is why he was totally justified in refusing to have his fingerprints or photograph taken (as if the latter was necessary!)
 Despite £180,00 bail being offered by genuine supporters of Free Speech, and NOT being charged with any offence, a jobsworth lackey of a magistrate has incarcerated him  in London's top security prison where he is denied any access to his lawyer for the next 5 days.
 Now I've heard of imprisonment without trial. But without even a charge?!

 Just think about all that for a moment.  Alll the above has just occurred in this country, your country, the country for which millions of men and women died  in two world wars. The country which  is supposed to be a "liberal democracy" where the world renowned "British Justice" is supposed to prevail.
 So how can this happen, you ask?   
Well I mentioned multi-national corporations and global banks as part of the fascist One-World conspiracy. So is it any coincidence that multi-nationals like Amazon, Pay Pal and Visa, among many others, have cut off the feet from under WikiLeaks?  
And is it any coincidence that the proven liar, the Bilderberger and member of the Illuminati, Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, is the one who has been hysterically screaming  the loudest for Assange's blood, under the guise of concern for America's security?.

And whilst this Global smokescreen is in full flow, is it any coincidence that her Department has quietly  crept out the news that the US has dropped its insistence on Israel stopping it's illegal and expanding settlement programme on occupied Palestinian land?

America, as the centrepiece and bully boy of the embryonic WORLD GOVERNMENT, like all arrogant bullies, has a massive ego and poor Mr Assange's crime is that he has really offended it. Even worse he is telling the people of the world the TRUTH by daily exposing America's lies, hypocrisy, venality  and double-dealing (think Guantamomo, Water Boarding and Extraordinary Rendition ).
He has - and commendably WikiLeaks is continuing to do so-  exposed the international bureacratic duping of the ordinary people that goes on in secret every day of the week. But the people are beginning to wake up - witness the mass protests in Greece, Ireland, Spain and Italy.
So Mr Assanges has to be made an example of.   And you can bet your life that the International Elite, who really run the world, will not be satisified until they destroy him.

And if you think this is just another fanciful  "conspiracy theory", well all I can say in all modesty is that I was right about the last Conspiracy I wrote about!

Sunday, 5 December 2010


I feel it's about time some people were put straight about the successful posthumous appeals in 2003 of George Kelly and Charles Connolly.
 There are numerous websites which repeatedly praise various people as being responsible for correcting this appalling miscarriage of justice. These include solicitor Rex Makin, the late Vincent Burke, Tom Slemen, the purveyor of  fictional ghost stories, and members of Kelly's family.   

Well let me finally put people straight. Contrary to press and internet reports, neither the Kelly family, nor Rex Makin nor Vincent Burke "campaigned for years", to clear either Kelly's or Connolly's name.
At the time of the trials, Kelly was represented by Harry Livermore, Makin's rival. It is true Frankie and Joey Kelly asked Makin for help after their brother was found guilty - but they got none.
It is also true that Kelly's brother-in-law, the late Tucker Gill, in the 1960s contacted Bessie Braddock, his MP and Sydney Silverman MP over the case. But he sadly got nowhere.

As for the late crime historian, Vincent Burke and the ghost writer, Slemen, their opinion, right up to the appeals, was that Kelly was guilty!  

No,  The person who was responsible for righting this terrible wrong,  after 10 years hard work diligently researching case, was an ordinary citizen named Mr Lou Santangeli.
 This fair-minded man's  motive wasn't  fame or the filthy lucre.
It was simply that he hated , and still hates, injustice. And he rightly believed Connolly when he told him he was innocent. Indeed, he not only believed him but proved him to be innocent!

It  was Mr Santangeli  - not the lawyers and everyone else who have  lined their pockets - who toiled all those years at his own personal expense, who should be given the credit - and the only one who should be given the credit.
 Without his voluminous dossiers of new evidence the lawyers would not have had a dog's chance of  getting the case re-opened  after 53 years! It was this quiet, reserved and dignified man who handed them a winning case on a plate. They hardly had to lift a finger.

Yet - although he has never expected any praise -he has not received one scrap  of recognition or credit from either the lawyers or the media or the Kelly family. 
 Indeed, at the appeal he was sitting next to a close member of the Kelly family when the decision was announced to quash the convictions. But she never even had the good grace to turn to him and say, "Thank you"! 
 So, I sincerely hope, in the interests of justice and fairness, the record has now been  put straight.

Thursday, 2 December 2010


There is to be a National Day of Mourning next week in Fantasy Island following  its humiliation yesterday of only securing 2 FIFA votes out of 22 and thus losing its £15 million bid to host the 2018 World Cup.

The millionaire Prime Minister, the heir to the throne  and the world's most famous millionaire male model (sorry, footballer)  fought back their tears  as did thousands of the religion's (sorry, football's ) disciples throughout the Island.

Because this is the land of naivete and Doublethink, they felt deeply hurt and didn't expect this hammer blow from FIFA.
I mean they had obligingly ignored all the Sunday Times and BBC Television accusations of widespread corruption and bribes made against  five of FIFA's directors, hadn't they. 
They could hardly do anything else though, could they? I mean  if you're on the make that's the sort of thing  you do  in a highly "religious" state isn't it? You know, forget ethics and morality and bury your head in the sand ( Sorry, I mean "Turn the other cheek" and all that).

Best about it though, they were most sporting and didn't seem in the least surprised or aggrieved at the logic of  Russia, the  thoroughly corrupt "Mafia State, being granted the World Cup honour.  Well, why should it? In Fantasy Island it makes perfect sense.
This is after all,  the country that invented the "Dunkirk Spirit."
And why should they feel surprised or aggrieved?
Well, if you don't acknowledge FIFA's corruption- or conveniently bury your head in the sand about it - then it's very hard to complain that there's anything at all wrong when that corrupt World Cup organisation awards the World Cup to one of the World's most  corrupt state's.
  But, like I say, 2 plus 2 always makes five in Good old Fantasy Island!.  
By the way, the Day of Mourning will be next Friday. The service of national grief will be held at Westminster Abbey.

Although the Queen and all the other luminaries will attend, actual football fans have been barred, since it wasn't found practicable to charge them the £100 admission they usually cough up at the match.
 In addition, to maintain the dignity of the occasion Sir Alec Ferguson has been ordered to refrain from chewing gum throughout the ceremony. Another reason is that the Government is trying to reduce the epidemic of passive-chewing, for which they blame him.

Tuesday, 30 November 2010


Sub- Zero temperatures besiege the Island!  
Roads, Airports, Railways, Petrol Stations , Schools - all closed!

But guess what?  The Island's new religion, Premier League football (or "Opium Of The Masses", as some unsporting, ignorant critics call it ) still took place last night ,even in snow and freezing ice - West Ham  hammered Manchester United and Arsenal  trashed Wigan. 
There was no way the impassable roads, closed petrol stations,  and out-of-action buses and trains were going to stop the worshippers of this multi-million corporate business from getting to the grounds  to stand in the freezing cold for two hours to cheer their millioniare idols. No way, man!
But that's the good old Fantasy Islanders  for you!   That's what used to be called, "the Bulldog Spirit" before the Island became an offfshore province of the European Union.

Yes, you can bet your life NOTHING will get in the way of the Islanders and their beloved religion!
I mean, their own Prime Minister, even as we speak, is in  Switzerland  with another millionaire, a  guy called Beckham, (who is more fashion model than footballer), begging FIFA to let Fantasy Island host the World Cup in 2018. This is despite 5 of FIFA's directors being exposed by the BBC for corruptly lining their pockets with £millions in bribes.

But what the hell. Millionaire old Etonian, David Cameron is determined to show the fans he is much more of a Working Class Hero than his model, Tony Blair! 

Before travelling to Zurich he was reliably informed by the BBC's Panorama that you actually lose money by hosting the World Cup - one reason being that the corrupt FIFA demands, among many other exotic benefits, exemption from any taxes payable to the host country.
 Well, that's ok with David. I mean what with him  and his crew claiming all kinds of mortgage expenses, it's par for the course!
 What do you expect!

Oh, and before you go, heard the one about Vince Cable the Government Minister responsible for introducing student tuition fees? Well he says that when it comes to a vote in the House Of Comedians he  will probably abstain from passing his own legislation!
Come on!  
This is Fantasy Island, after all!

Sunday, 28 November 2010


Welcome to my members James, Billy, Chris and Peter. 

Thanks to them for their witty and most perceptive comments.

They are so good that if they wish to join my editorial team by submitting pieces to me by email, I shall gladly publish them here.

And the same goes for all you other readers. 

This site is not like the British or American Governments -  It is Democratic!
 So feel free to get writing chaps!

Friday, 26 November 2010


From Hawkeye, our US Correspondent.

Did  you know that the last four US Secretarys of The Treasury were formerly Chairman of Goldman Sachs, the international investment bank responsible for the "alleged" near collapse of the World economy. 
Whether the Republicans or the Democrats are in power it makes no difference - these guys pull all the strings.  Paulson under George Bush, Rubin under Clinton and Geithner under Obama.

In addition to being appointed  (not elected) to these supremely powerful political positions, what else do they have in common?  All are Jewish. 
Now I know Jewish people are tremendously creative and talented, particularly in finance. But is it really a good example for any democracy to continually appoint successive Secretarys of the Treasury from the same ethnic group and one that is supposed to be a Minority?  What about the Majority? Aren't there any Protestant, Catholic or Muslim equally talented people fit for the post?

By the way, what else does it tell us about the "Greatest Democracy In The World" when  George Bush's Secretary of State for Defence, Robert Gates, remains in that crucial role with the approval of  the "new broom" in the White House - Barack Obama, despite the will of millions of American voters?...But I digress.

The Secretary of the US Treasury (in effect the Minister of Finance) is responsible for America's economic and fiscal policy. And as such has enormous power over the lives of millions of citizens. Other roles he has are US Governor of the IMF and seven  other international banks, including the European Central Bank.
In the context of these men's former roles as CEOs of Goldman Sachs (which has made them all multi-millionaires)  surely a conflict of interest must arise?
For example is it any coincidence that after the banks had almost wrecked the economy and caused millions to lose their homes and jobs, both Republican and Democrat Administrations  on the advice of Secretarys Henry Paulson and Timothy Geithner (and against the expressed wishes of the American people), bailed them out with billions of American taxpayers money?
Result? The American people become two-time losers!

Makes you think, WHO really runs America?

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Breaker Morant end title- Soldiers of the Queen

This is very reminiscent of the execution of another two innocent young men by the British Establishment in 1952 - Edward Devlin and Alfred Burns. They had also served their country in the British Army.


Well here we go again. This is the latest, from our Fantasy Island Correspondent.
 The Island's Government has told the Islanders that it is nearly bankrupt with a deficit of some £140 Billion. All kinds of sacrifices therefore will have to be made, mainly by the unemployed and children. The former are told to get  a train to find a job. But the Government  puts up train fares by 6% then allows the private trains companies to add another 5%.
That way, it reckons it will be easier for those lazy bastards (mainly on benefits) to travel further afield to get those gold-plated jobs (wherever they are?).
 Simultaneously the Government felt that its massive deficit of said £140 Billion would somehow be eased somewhat if it gave Ireland (which was stupid enough to join the Euro and vote Yes to the EU.s Lisbon Treaty) £7Billion to help their deficit.
  Never mind that The Islanders don't have7 Quid to spare, much less £7 billion, you must remember, this is Fantasy Island, where 2+2 makes 5. And where Doublethink is the Government's watchword.
 That's why it continues to welcome 1,000's of Pakistan and Muslim un-checked immigrants into the Island, while it's alleged arch-enemies, the Taliban and Al Queda -, based on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan- are killing its soldiers every day in Afghanistan. 
 Some insane critic recently asked the Government if they would have similarly allowed thousands of Germans and Japanese to enter the country whilst the Island was  "at war" with them.  A Coalition spokesman immediately dismissed  this crazy question by stating. "That's different. Of course not. They were fanatics and Nazis, weren't they?" 
  The questioner was later visited by a French  gendarme from the newly-created Europol Police Force and forthwith sectioned under the Mental Health Act.
  He has been given an indeterminate sentence and is now receiving treatment in Broadmoor's Maximum Security Unit.
 Bloody good thing too!
Fancy asking a stupid question like that!

Friday, 5 November 2010


Will people stop saying, "It's political correctness gone mad."
Political Correctness hasn't gone mad. it IS  mad. Full Stop!!
And the Fantasy Islanders are even madder for putting up with it.

STOP PRESS: Army cadets have been banned from carrying their rifles on next weeks Remembrance Parade.  The top brass said it glamourises Violence.
 Well, well, I thought fighting a war WAS violent.
 Sorry,  I forgot, this is Fantasy Island isn't it? Where - among other things - aircraft carriers don't have aeroplanes.
 So be reasonable now: why should soldiers have guns?

Wednesday, 3 November 2010


 Well Folks it gets funnier by the day on Fantasy Island. (and remember it is only an island). 
Of the 300,000 Somalis living there, some fifty or so are known ( according to Theresa May, the Home Secretary on BBC News, 3rd November 2010 ) to travel to and from Somalia to be trained as terrorists and then return in order to plan mayhem and murder on the streets of London and elsewhere. 
In addition it was also reported that a similar "movement" of "British nationals"to and from Pakistan  is by far  the largest of them all.
 Nobody asked her what she was going to do about this suicidal situation which she so dramatically frightened everyone with. And good old "fair play" Theresa didn't say. 
Well, it's not really the done thing on Fantasy Island.
And I mean, you can hardly be blame her - what nice respectable lady wants to be called a Racist?   
On Fantasy Island there's only one thing worse than being called a racist, and that's being called a Banker. And that's what she is in private life.  But you'd better forget what I said -she doesn't want anyone to know that either.

Meanwhile in London's Palace of Varieties, Dave Boy Cameron, the so-called Prime Minister of this so-called Sovereign island, interrupted his weekly Punch & Judy  Show with the Leader of the Opposition, to cry his joke tears and rant about how mad he was with the European Union for forcing him to give convicted killers and rapists and muggers the vote - in addition of course  to their Play stations, TV sets and mobile phones and ciggies.  
 None of the 600+ expenses-mad comedians listening to him, protested about this either: not even one suggested he might just tell Europe to get stuffed. And Dave, of course cried his tears in vain, poor boy!

Saturday, 23 October 2010


 If you thought Fantasy Island was some warm tropical paradise, WRONG!   It's right here in a place bounded by the cold Atlantic and North Sea.  It used to be called England, a part of Gt Britain, but not any longer. 
 This truly is the Real McCoy!
 This is where international banks are given £500billions of tax-payers hard earned cash and then award themselves £millions in bonuses. The place where those same taxpayers are then told that they must suffer £81 billion of cuts, partly to pay for the handout. But where £billions of their money is  still being doled out in "international  aid " to rich  industrialised countries like China and India and corrupt African dictatorships.

This is the place where a crazy, undeclared war is being waged in faraway Muslim Afghanistan, with British soldiers being killed daily but where Muslim immigrants, including airplane hi-jackers,  are still welcomed - minus any checks on who they are.
 Are they budding terrorists? criminals?  disease  carriers?   No one knows, least of all the Government. And of course, no one cares. What the hell! Come on!  this is Fantasy Island after all. It abandoned  boring Reality 50 years ago, for God's sake!
Where else would you find a Government, ordering aircraft carriers on which no planes will land?  Where else would you find a nuclear submarine grounded on the rocks? I mean, a Submarine! (aren't they supposed to be UNDER the water? ).
Where else would you get a lone parent who earns £43 grand a year having her/his Child Benefit stopped, but the family next-door earning £90 grand, having theirs saved? 
That's the great thing about Fantasy Island, where 2+2 makes 5 and DOUBLETHINK reigns supreme.
It's really Kooky! 
Not like that boring, hard, realistic, sane place across the Channel, where the inhabitants call a national strike, attack the government and cause chaos in the streets - all because the retirement age is going up from 60 to 62!  
 I mean, Fantasy Islanders have had theirs raised by 7 years, and not a peep out of them!    Mind you those French revolutionaries don't have the X-Factor or Big Brother to keep them occupied. And lets, face it they're not really into Football - not like the crazy islanders. I mean they wouldn't go around the corner to watch their favourite team, much less travel to South Africa or Italy. No loyalty, those frogs!!  Got their values all wrong! 

Wednesday, 6 October 2010


Watching the news about the latest Taliban and Al Queda atrocities in Pakistan's lawless Khyber Pass and the Yemen, I couldn't help thinking, Thank God for the destruction of the old British Empire by the USA, the United Nations and the"International Community."
  It really was an evil institution. I mean, take Zimbabwe for instance, now a wonderful Marxist dictatorship, where the black Dictator lives in a Golden Palace. Remember when it used to be merely white Rhodesia, the so-called "Food Basket of Africa?"  I mean isn't it more desirable that native Zambibweans now own all the farms - even if they grow nothing anymore and inflation is 1000%, and the population is starving?

And take the Yemen, another former colony. In Aden, the British had a base and their soldiers used to keep law and order and kill revolutionaries on sight.  But it's now so much better when there is lawlessness and Yemeni Al Queda run the show, even if they've tried a few times to blow up that remnant of British Imperialism - the  British Ambassador. So what? I mean, that's what Independence is all about isnt it? 

And look at yet another former British colony Cyprus (Oh how I hate that inperialistic word, "Colony").  Who wants peace and stability when it's run, like it used to be,  by the detestable British Empire. Far better now that the island is split in two between Greeks and Turks. How exciting the thought that war could break out anyday between them. Now that's Democracy!

And what about South Africa? Again another success story. Democracy there at last, even if gun crime and daily murders are in abundance, and the new democratic African National Congress government gets smeared as corrupt and the millions of Africans are still living in townships like Soweto. That's what independence is all about. And anyway, they like living in huts in townships, don't they?  We must respect their "culture." 

And last of all, the crowning glory - Pakistan!  This is where Democracy really excelled itself. This is the greatest success story to result from the destruction of the British Empire.
Because not only did it free itself from the yoke of British Colonisation (by virtue of the liberal British Establishment) but it was lucky enough to also retain free unlimited admittance for all of it's citizens to the heart of that wicked British Empire. And to make it even more of a success story, once they became "British Citizens" they were then free to travel back to their Homeland to train as Taliban and Al Queda "Freedom fighters" against British soldiers in Afghanistan or create murder and mayhem on the streets of London - and some did.
Talk about having it three ways!  Great! Good luck to them, I say. 
The decadent British, like the Romans before them, are at last paying for the Sins of their evil Empire!  

Monday, 4 October 2010


Saw a great musical show in London's West End over the weekend. DREAMBOATS & PETTICOATS.
It was set in the Sixties, with a brilliant, multi-talented young cast doing the great numbers of Roy Orbison, Bobby Darin,  Smokey Robinson, Carole King, Sam Cooke etc..   Each member could not only act and dance but also play various musical instruments, and all were great vocalists.
 Full of admiration, I refelected why these young talented performers could not get a look-in on national TV.  Recording  or Radio. Then it dawned on me why?   Two reasons:-
 The cheapo TV crap  masquarading as talent and  entertainment - think X-Factor, Britain's Got Talent - which are nothing more than exploitative freak shows.
The refusal of the likes of the greedy, narcissitic,  multi-millionaire pensioners, Tom Jones, Rod Stewart, Elton John, Bono, Phil Collins, to gracefully retire and give the younger generation a chance.
At least three of these could never ever sing to keep themselves warm anyway.  As far as I'm concerned they got to the top by false pretences.
 Come on boys (and girls). You've had your day.  Time to move over and give the real boys and girls a chance!!

Thursday, 23 September 2010


Once upon a time I lived in a crowded house in a crowded street. We were all friends in the street and always helped each other and had good times. Then one day, without even asking him, our  landlord told my Dad he was bringing some strangers into our house because it would give him more rent and it would be to our advantage. Gradually our crowded house became even more crowded. Then the landlord of  the house next door did the same, then Landlord of the next house, and then the next, until all the houses in the street were really overcrowded. But knowing that we had nowhere to go and that our ancestors had lived in the same houses for a hundred years, our landlord and the others then put up our rents, until almost all of the wages of the men in the street were taken up in rent. So they eventually had to leave their jobs and rely on benefits like Council tax rebates and housing benefit in  order to live. But even so  our standard of living sharply deteriorated.   Funnily enough, through all of this through, the strangers who had been moved in to our houses didn't seem to pay anything. And when a few of the men in the street started complaining to the Council about this, they were told various stories. One was that our country had exploited these people when we had our Empire, so we now had to welcome them and treat them nice. But then they were told that they were entitled to move into   our street because, although we no longer had an Empire, the countries they came from were now part of the British Commonwealth (whatever that was). But then we noticed that there were morer strangers coming into our street, and some of the men said they came from countries that weren't even in  the Commonwealth, So they got in  touch with our M.P. But he said they didn't have to belong to the Commonwealth because they were fleeing persecution in their own country. But the men in our street said that there was no war in their countries, and that in any case some of  them came from countries where our soldiers were fighting for their freedom or  keeping the peace, so why couldn't these strangers return and help them?.  But the people from the Council and the M.P. told them that they were all a bunch or "racists." What none of us had ever noticed was that whilst all these strangers were coming into our houses and our street  a lot of laws had been passed to stop anyone complaining. So the police were called and warned all the "racists" in our street  - including us kids -that if anyone complained any more they would all be put in prison.    
I really wish things could go back to the way they were before the strangers came. But I don't want to go to jail for being a  racist.

Thursday, 16 September 2010


Former Liverpool Daily Post journalist and blogger, Ian Skidmore, tells me that the notorious corrupt Herbert Balmer of Cameo Cinema murder infamy, was sponsored by him and colleagues as a member of Liverpool's Press Club.
 He also smugly relates how Balmer used to make up false stories for him and his fellow hacks.  Mr Skidmore relates these tales with obvious humour and delight.
 But it wasn't so funny for George Kelly (wrongly hanged 1950) nor Edward Devlin & Alfred Burns, (also wrongly hanged 1952), whose trials suffered from highly prejudicial stories printed about them - all of which the police officially stated at the time that they had no knowledge of !
 Who was the senior investigating senior officer in both cases? You guessed  it !
 Not sure I like Mr Skidmore's black humour.

Monday, 13 September 2010

They're Gonna Make Big Star Out Of Me

Ringo is old hat with his number - All You Gotta Do Is Act Naturally. and his boast, "They're gonna make a big star out of me."
 I was in the movies before he or the Beatles were even heard of. 
And to prove it here's my illustrious movie career (Its just coincidence they were all made on Merseyside) :-
 Violent Playground - On screen 2 seconds.
These Dangerous Years - On screen 3 seconds.
 But wait!
 My shining hour came when I made the breakthrough to stardom in the 1980 Oscar-winning Chariots of Fire,when I played the dual roles of a member of the 1924 Olympic Games American Athletics Team and a flag-holder of the Spanish Team - On Screen 30 seconds in all!
 Now that's what I call a Superstar!

Pet Hates Continued

Do you remember when you went to the doctors and you were a Patient?
Do you remember when you jumped a bus or caught a train or plane and you were a Passenger?
Do you remember when you went to see a solicitor and you were a Client?
Do you rememebr when you rented a house or flat and you were a Tenant?
Do you remember when you were on the Dole and you were a Claimant?
Do you remember when to the telephone company or Book Club you were a Subscriber?
Do you remember when to the local club or library you were a Member?
  Well forget it!
I don't know whether you've noticed but instead we've all now become "Customers!"
And is it just coincidence that the only commodity Capitalism needs in order to survive and prosper are Customers?!
Whose next, I wonder - Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Son, daughter?

I'm not sure I like this distortion and homogenisation of our various roles in  different life situations.
In fact, in the current world of increasing corporate Globalisation where the Nation State is increasingly being rendered Passe, I find  this reducing of people to mere simplified units or objects rather sinsister.
 What do you think?

More Pet Hates

 Another modern movie spoiled last night by the interminable and totally unnecessary loud background music.
Now don't get me wrong: I used to love the great theme music of westerns such as The Big Country, Giant and High Noon  or the exquisitely melancholic  background theme  in  James Dean's East of Eden.   But, come on!    Never mind this all pervasive blight on almost all of today's movies, you can't even escape it on TV.  I've lost count of how many TV dramas have been ruined by the continual, irritating and totally irrelevant background music.  You can't even hear what the characters are actually saying anymore!
 What, with this and the so-called modern technology of Stero and Dolby Sound, whose deep Bass always makes it sound fuzzy, I've just about given up trying to watch anything anymore.
In fact the only enjoyable movies left are those of the 1940s and 50s, when there was no Sterophonic sound, the sound was crystal clear  and we were allowed to watch and listen to the movie in peace free from all these off-putting distractions.especially the film noir B. Movies, such as Double Indemnity and Now Voyager.
 Come to think of it, I don't think Technicolour did much better for the movies either.
Could I be right about all this?
Or am I  just a resurrected Cave man?

Wednesday, 8 September 2010


Have you ever wondered why Joggers always run on main roads?  Is it because they are vain or just stupid?
Vain, because maybe they feel nobody would notice them if they jogged on back roads or in the desolate countryside. And they DO want to be noticed. But then again, maybe they are simply stupid. Because whilst they are racing along and preening themselves like two-legged peacocks, they are also deeply inhaling all the bus, truck and motorcar exhaust fumes! What morons!  
 And have you ever been into  a shop (SuperCigs is the main offender) to join a long queue because only one assistant is serving? The owner cutting costs, you may say. But wait a minute, there are two other "assistants" stacking shelves or having a quiet cuppa in the back, whilst the poor mugs who are actually paying their wages have to suffer a prolonged wait in purgatory.. Now that doesn't even make commercial sense for the owner. But it does show the takling for granted of the customer, nay contempt,  that these mindless workers have for us.
 My tip? Don't queue. Your time is just as precious as theirs. Demand that they leave off stacking until trade slackens off and start serving. And if everyone looks at you as if you have lost your marbles((as the docile British usually do) then just vote with your feet and walk out. It may even help you to stop smoking!

Friday, 3 September 2010


My MP is a lesbian. The prisons Minister, Crispin Blunt,  is a homosexual.
Between the two of them, I have been trying to have a simple question answered for the past 10 weeks, and still haven't had an answer.
 Now I don't mind them being Gay but why are they making me so Miserable?
And by the way, if this is the  "Brokeback" Coalition's idea of democracy and  bottom-up (no pun intended) " power to the people", then give me a Dictatorship any day!!


Have you noticed the latest speech fad is, "To be honest?" This is rapidly replacing, "Blah, blah, blah". And this of course, replaced, "No problem." which replaced "at the minute", which replaced, "The world and his wife."
 Do these people  prefixing a comment with, "To be honest." mean that all they previously  said  was dishonest? Otherwise, why stress that you are being honest?   And whilst we are at it, why couldn't they just say "etc" instead of "Blah, blah..."? And instead of "No problem", couldn't they have simply said, "Of course?"
And will shop assistants please stop telling me, "There you go" instead of a simple "Thank you."
 All of the above idiomatic speech is entirely meaningless lazy, trendy and silly.
 So please, let's get back to saying what we actually mean!.

Thursday, 2 September 2010


Watching on Channel4 the two programmes on the trafficking of young girls from the Far East for prostitution by a  London -based gang of Chinese, I was amazed at the short sentences the male and female gang leaders of this muilti-million pound racket, received. What struck me with alarm and foreboding was the narrator's casual remark that, one of the ringleaders was in this country "quite legally" despite having an extensive criminal record.  The obvious thought arises, Why wasn't he deported? 
I'll bet HE  always votes Labour!


You may be wondering what is the significance of the policeman's photograph.
 Well he is standing outside the gates of Liverpool's Walton prison in April 1952 "guarding" the official Execution Notices of the Governor and the Surgeon, which certified  that the State had just hanged two young men, side by side,  for a murder they almost certainly did'nt commit,
Watch this space! 


Despite all the furore about the Xfactor, the way it is all pre-arranged and stagemanged. Don't get rid of the musical freaks who think they are the next superstar. Don't get rid of the insulting and patronising Simon Cowell. Don't get rid of the other bimbo judges, who couldn't themselves sing to keep themselves warm But, please, please, please! get rid of the moronic baying crowd that calls itself an audience. A rehearsed cage full of monkeys would be better behaved!